Kyoya once said that for a religion that preach about peace, Christianity is quite violent. (or something like that...)
Well... Guess what? Today's sermon talked about the start of the declaration of war between God and Satan. And it involves us.
And it kinda all started with a lie.
Satan, depicted as a serpent, lied to Eve about the Fruit of Knowledge (actually, he deceived her), and from then forth, God declared war on Satan. And the war is still on going today, hence the " violence" in Christianity. And God declared that Satan's head will be crushed by a seed (child) of Eve, aka Jesus. But we, us Christians, will be hurt in the process, at our weakest point. (he will bruise our heels)
The Kingdom of God will always be a minority. We will always be fighting a war, until the day Jesus returns. It is a warfare that encompass the physical and spiritual world. And the devil will provoke us, upset us, create fear in us, destroy us inside out, etc. (Ah... This is what the paster was preaching. Eh... He's my favourite pastor.) All's fair in love and war, I guess. =/
And of course we idiots, being humans and all, start questioning God. And eventually, we go in circles and get lost within ourselves instead of letting God be our answer.
That being said, not all people who call themselves Christians are one, much less behave like one. And there are some that are genuinely sincere in their actions and persistence, though they do take a while to get used to (at least for me).
And there are some that... Are so enthusiastic about Christianity, but that cynical side of me doesn't quite believe their enthusiasm is real. And there are some... That just irks me by being alive.
But the is one thing that all Christians, if they call themselves that, must have. And that is a love relationship with God. That must be the primary focus of being a Christian. Not doing missions, singing songs, helping the church, being hospitable to others, serving the less fortunate, etc. God comes first. Everything else is secondary.
Ah well... Enough about complaining about the people in my religion... God sees things differently from me, so He probably knows their intentions better than mine. So... Whatever pleases Him I guess.
For me, it took me 6 years to publicly declare myself in a relationship with God. And I've never been the super high, enthu, rah-rah kind for God. So people might consider me lukewarm (which is one of the worst sin a Christian can have). Because I always seem neither here nor there... But... The Lord knows me and he knows my heart. And that is enough for me. =)