Saturday, August 11, 2012 2:21 am
It's hell painful to be in the middle of some warped love triangle.
It hurts more because you want to much more, yet you know you can never have it.
So this is to Cross,
Can't you tell, how much your indecision will hurt everyone around? Can't you tell, that as long as you are not happy, you will never find that "happy ever after" that you always want? Can't you tell, that I want you so much, yet I can't have you?
I guessed I pushed too hard, too fast. But I needed closure. I can't let this just float around and wait for something to happen, because I seriously doubt it will.
Just because I don't need you, doesn't mean you mean nothing to me. Even if I lost you, if you can find a way to be happy, it would be enough for me. Death is never an answer. But I guess, to you who have lost all purpose in life, it's your solution.
You are such an idiot for not being able to see what Yuki and I saw in you. You felt so comfortable in the darkness, in the midst of your demons. So then, why do you still seek the light that you turned your back to? Why do you seek such comfort and happiness in being acknowledged? Why do you care so much about the happiness and safety of others?
Being a martyr saves no one. All you will bring is sorrow. Because you always fail to consider the long term effects of your actions?
Do you seriously think our little fragile triangle will survive? Do you think you can make the world happy, just by forsaking your own? You're more of a fool than I thought then.
Ah hell. You, will always be special to me, you idiot. Regardless of what you think. Whether I lost you, or kept you. You will always be special to me.
And I pray you will know that.