Just for the heck of it. XD
Kyoya is my Doubter.
That one is confirmed! You should see the way he questions me sometimes!
If I wasn't so sure he's a really good friend, I'd would have thought
he wanted me to die from overusage of my brain. XD But he always makes
me think in a way I've never really considered before. ^^" And
personally, I think I'd be half the person I am today if it wasn't for
Kyoya. =^^= So yeah. Cheers to Kyoya~!
Shell is my
Connector. It's rather interesting, actually. Shell and my personality,
the way we think, is actually quite similar. But she took the path of
business, and me? I took the path of fairies. =/ Anyway, both of us have
a sort of push-and-pull relationship. I keep her from getting too
materialistic, she keeps me from being too idealistic.
Mom is my Example. She's the person I want to be the most. Grounded,
yet with big dreams, and goals to reach them. She's funny, yet she knows
when to be serious. She's always so carefree, yet she takes
responsibility of all 3 of us. She's so many things! =^^= And I want to
be like her.
My Dad is the Taskmaster. He just nags and
nags and nags, actually. But he's the one that goes around my brothers
and I to make sure we are doing what we are supposed to be doing. To
make sure we get things done. =P And as much as I love to fight with him
over the smallest things, I have to admit, I'd be an even worse slacker
if it wasn't for him.
My brothers are my Cheerleader.
To put it simply, I live for them. I will do anything for them. I keep
wanting to be a better person, a better sister, a better role model for
them. And in return, whenever I falter, they're my support. They're the
first people in my life that listens to me without any input. Heck!
Sometimes they agree with me when I'm sprouting nonsense! So yeah. They
fit as my motivation.
I have no idea who's my
Instigator, actually. But as far as inspiration goes, Sweetie is my
inspiration. She makes me want to try things again. To make things
happen. Even though I am damn scared sometimes, or I freak out, I want
to try, for her. I dunno. Everytime I see Sweetie, I feel hyper. I feel hopeful. Like around her, things might just turn out ok.
should be one more category. =P In my life, there's someone who is my
Altar. Yuki is the person I would give up everything for. As even though
I can't stand it sometimes, a part of me expects nothing in return...
Sigh. Yuki is lucky. She has Cross and me. And both of us would have
given up the world for her, regardless of whether she would give back.
And it's actually very painful. To know that she doesn't give back...
says it's not that she doesn't want to, but she doesn't know how. Yeah.
And 9 years of her life of working and she never even bothered to
learn... Sigh. Ah well... I guess I have to move on too. No point harping on things I can't change.