Today I went to Henderson Waves. Yay! I REALISED I'VE BEEN THERE BEFORE!!! It was during my first cell meeting. But we went at night, so everything was pretty much all dark and gloomy. But today, when I went there with BMS(I), it was actually a pretty bright place. AND IT IS SOOO HIGH!!!
I felt like I could see all of Singapore from up there... Well... Technically, I could... But my view consist of mostly the Central area and the sea though. The most I've been on are the roads. I have no idea Singapore has SOO many buildings. XD Wow. I feel like a foreigner. I need to get out more often... =/
Anyway, we mainly walked and talked and walked some more. XD I think I got sunburnt. XD But it beats rotting at home, so oh well... XP Walking around in the semi-forest area (semi cause there's still signs of civilisation) I feel like I'm back in Sec 3 camp. ^-^ Though for some reason, I don't remember the forest being this humid. XD Must be the Singapore environment. Haha!
As I look to the sky, today is definitely a 1827 day. Though Inume says there are signs of 80. She says that he's jealous of 27. Oh wow. Should 18 be honoured herbivores are dying to be by his side? =/ I don't think so. But it was really nice, with the wind and all. It's like a really really HUGE park. I would explore the playgrounds there too, but my feet are aching and BMS(I) would kill me and bury me somewhere unknown there if I did so. XD
I also saw lots of things there. I saw some really CUTE birdies there. They have a white head with a crest, and brown bodies. They are sooo cute~ Times like these, I often wish I was studying vet science... But I'll find a way around... BMS(I) suggests doing post-grad... I don't mind... XD Another alternative is to do research = more lab work = ^-^
I also saw lots of ferns. There is one BMS(I) calls the ladder fern, which looks nothing like a ladder to me, but it's curled up ends are really interesting. They remind me of the manga Uzumaki, a story of cursed spirals. XD Anyway, moving on...
We saw cotton plants, or should I say, plants that explode cotton. XD We saw fruits the size of cannon balls (which BMS(I) won't let me fire them in the cannon I saw). Mainly we saw lots of plants. XD I'm more of a fauna than a flora person though. =/ The ants there are huge... But not as large as I thought they would be... (I have a wild imagination... So when I'm told giant ants, I was literally thinking REALLY REALLY HUGE ones). These are still ok.
I also saw some butterflies (or moths I can't quite tell... Can't really see their feelers), and spiders and other insects, etc. Haha! Personally, I don't regret going on such walks. Takes my mind off the world. ^^
We also got lost somewhere along the way, but thank God for BMS(I)'s internal directory. It's like... He never walked certain paths but he still knows his way out and around. O.o Haha! I can do that too! Except... It will take more detours... ^^"
Then we headed back to Vivo for cake and a drink, courtesy of BMS(I). Yay! Thx! ^-^ I'm not fond of surprises, but if it's planned like these, and I have a slight idea of it, I don't mind. THANK GOD HE DIDN'T BURST INTO THE HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONG. It is now my most hated song of the year.
My family didn't go pool. D8 Cause my dad's too tired. So in the end, we just sat down for the movie, True Legend, instead. Now that... is a senseless show. But Sam wants to watch it... so oh well... >.< I give in to them too much, I think. XD
Now, I'm dead tired and I want to sleep. Night all! ^-^