I am a head-turner.
I am angelic. I am innocent.
I am loud. I am simple.
I am possessive. I am obsessive.
I am different. I am special.
I am soft-hearted. I am a giver.
You shall be so fascinated that you will wake up the next morning and wonder if you have met God the night before.
Yes, you have.
LOSE YOURSELF in this wild mix of colours.
LOSE YOURSELF in this wild mix of colours.
Speech Bubbles
Talk to me
I don't bite. Hard. ~_^
COS THAT'S THE ONLY WAY that you will find laughter.
COS THAT'S THE ONLY WAY that you will find laughter.
I think I have officially shocked half of my class by my attire today... XD
Am I awesome? Or am I awesome? ~_^
Anyway, due to a request by D, I agreed to... dress up a little, since today's officially the last day of school.
I basically wore what I wore for CNY, with a little more stylish stuff, like a handbag and earrings. And I have to admit, the reactions, especially from the girls, are quite priceless. I guess it's because most of the class only see me in two things. T-shirt and jeans. So yeah... The dress had them floored.
And I know I look good in them too. ~_^
Haha! MR's expression was the best in our class. She stared at me with open eyes, grabbed me and turned me around, as if to confirm I'm actually wearing what I'm wearing. She was seriously stunned. XD
PH's reaction was the most classic. Haha! She was in disbelief, shock, hyperventilating, etc. Hahaha! It seems that I really don't dress up often... Seeing everyone around me react like that... ^^" And i even got a special request from my dear cell leader (courtesy of PH's eager sharing) to show her a picture (which PH took...).
Some of our seniors had decided (on their own) that I'm wearing like that for Kyoya and one even decided that we're to be married. -_- I love my school.
Of course, since it's D's request, I took pictures with her. J wanted me to model for her... !!! No way! I do not particularly want the day to be captured in black and white, thanks...
Then again... Considering that I already have photos of me taken... >.>
Haha! For once, I felt like a celebrity... ^^" Is it really that rare to see me dressed up in something feminine? (Don't answer)
Although I whined quite a bit (I believe), and kept edging away from *coughcrazycough* people, I'm really glad that my wonderful classmates gave me really positive feedback about my clothes... ^^" For one, it's one hell of a boost of my self-confidence. XD And it's interesting to note how many people noticed.
Of course, there are some wonderful sods that thought that I was a senior, or commented that I was going Geylang. And then, there are others who indirectly gave their compliments. =^^= All in all, it was a really epic day.
Notes to self: Heels are a killer. Find something else to wear next time. Do this again next year! 8DDD
Haha! And people do wonder why I would do it when a girl requests it, and not when a guy does. Simple. I like the girls' reactions better. ~_^ The guys... tend not to show whether they approve or not, so it's harder to gauge. Girls on the other hand... XD I love their reactions. Seriously.
Though I can tell some of the guys appreciated the change in view... I think... And I thought SK's comment was the cutest. XD
Anyway, it was fun while it lasted. BUT I'M STICKING TO MY JEANS AND T-SHIRTS. THANKS VERY MUCH.
Although, it'll be fun to pull this off again next year. Haha!
And to all those who comment that I look really nice and I should keep wearing like that, first of all, I only have 2 dresses. And I'll be even more shy to wear the other one... And if I wear it everyday, it'll lose the hype won't it? ~_^
Anyway, it was a fun day while it lasted. And now I'm tired... Yes, I know it's early, but when you're losing blood, yeah, you'll understand...
Now that I think back about it... Somehow, somehow, you just know the exact words I'm looking for. The exact words that make me smile.
I don't know whether you know it, but sometimes, the small things you say, things that I suppose I'm always subconsciously looking for, they make me smile inside.
And suddenly, the little things I do, things that most people don't really realise or notice, somehow I'm glad I learnt those little things.
Although... I dunno... It's not as if I do them to be noticed, but when they are, I'm always really happy. I guess I'm always seeking for recognition one way or another. But I don't wanna be recognised in those really flashy things, like wearing really loud stuff. But for the small, seemingly-insignificant things...
Like when I put on make-up, I guess because I'm a girl, everyone always assumes that I know how to put on make-up and the like. Truth is, I'm really basing it on trial-and-error, and smoking my way through. Since my dear mom doesn't know anything about make-up either.
And yet, you noticed. That I've been trying. And although it shouldn't matter, it did.
And when I wore my contacts, and put on my make-up, and sang for choir, there is this sense of pride and joy I hear in your voice, that I have grown. And that... Is something that really made my day.
It is actually really ironic... That those words that I want to hear... Are always never from the lips of the people I want to hear them from... But I suppose, it's good enough.
I am really happy as it is.
Thank you so much. For your words. Simple as they are.
OMG. Even though it's only the 26th of April and they said they would release the video tomorrow...
Haha! Though I'm not as crazy as Kyoya over SNSD, you have to admit, they DAMN HOT!!!
Haha! In this video, it's Taeyeon and Tiffany that captured my attention. And I think even Sunny looks quite nice in this video. (Only in the black and yellow outfit, of course) Though I think SooYoung and Yuri look the nicest in the full black suit. =^^= The other person that look really nice in full black is Seohyun.
In my opinion, Taeyeon stole the whole limelight of this song. ~_^ She's not only looked hell hot, her voice is damn epic too! She started the whole song on a high note, and ended it with a bang! Whoo!
The next person that caught my attention is Tiffany. XD I actually first noticed her and SooYoung during Run Devil Run, and she's definitely caught my attention once again in this video.
Hyoyeon was awesome during the short instrumental where she took center stage and owned it completely! Haha! Now I see why she's the Queen of Dance in SNSD. Those make-up artists shouldn't keep tying her hair up... She looks so much better with her hair down.
Yuri's solo during the bridge is equally amazing. For a second, I really didn't recognise her at all! =( I still prefer her with straight hair, like that in the black suit. Curls don't quite suit her, in my opinion...
As for Sunny, I felt that only her, Taeyeon and Jessica can pull off that police hat look. (Sorry Seohyun!) Haha! Though the feeling they give off is quite different. Taeyeon and Jessica is more sexy with a certain sense of style to it. Sunny... Feels more like an F1 model, borderline slutty... Yet, she looks really good in the outfit, so I ain't complaining.
SooYoung stole my heart during the bridge too. She looks damn sexy during her solo, in both outfits. The black outfit gives a rather sweet feeling to me, and the yellow/black one is just HOT.
And I'm still playing the song over and over again on my com... Their dance MV is definitely worth the wait! *hearts*
On friday, since my mom got a free stay at MBS, I invited my cousin along to stay overnight at the hotel. (Actually, Kyoya was supposed to come, but since he couldn't make it, here are some pictures from that day, as promised)
P.S. Though the pictures seem quite little, we actually took a lot of pictures... I just refuse to take all the pictures my brother took while stalking random people (me included)... It's just plain freaky...
When we got there, somehow, my mom managed to get a way bigger room than intended, as the room we're supposed to get is not ready. So we got something better for the same price. How awesome is that? XD
Pictures of the room:
This is the room my mom, OCHIBI and I stayed. (I am totally calling my cousin Ochibi from now on! Mwhahaha!)
It's huge, ain't it! XD Haha! My brothers weren't as lucky. They got a much smaller room. Then we explored the sky park lounge, where the swimming pool was. (Ochibi and I were also arguing on whether the sky park looked more like a ship or a spaceship. Senseless conversations, I know.)
Top of the deck:
We only swam at night though. Less people and we can do more silly things without (too many) people staring at us like we're lunatic.
Anyway, after we went to the sky park, we explored the underground shopping belt under MBS.
We didn't really buy anything though. It was a more interesting place to look around than shop. Though we did buy Royce chocolate to enjoy during our late night drinking and gambling. ~_^
We also bought dinner from Cold Storage, cause my mom lazy to walk all the way to Marina Square or Suntec for food. -_- But it was quite nice still. We had sashimi for dinner. And my brothers had honey-glazed chicken and sushi. XD
Then Ochibi and I went swimming. And I realised exactly how out of shape I really am. Zzz. Though the night view from the sky park is much nicer than the day view. Haha! There were those beam lights shining around for the clubs. Haha! Ochibi and I were joking that we should paste some batman symbol stickers on those lights, and we were laughing ourselves silly over it.
Childish I know. But it was fun! XD
Then after swimming, we went back to the room and had a mini session of "Tai Ti" and "Texas Hold 'Em Poker". Haha! We played the latter most of the night though. Sam was teaching us the game. Once we got the hang of it, it's actually quite fun!
Zack was like "$10! $20! $40!" ZOMG. We were losing to him!! Haha! But most of the time, he was bluffing. And Sam, silently betting, kept having full houses, 2 pairs, 3 of a kind, etc!! Haha! And my two brothers kept winning until my mom jokingly said that she should have brought them to the casino. They would have won us quite a bit of money. Hahaha!
The best part was the last game. Since it was the last game, we all went nuts placed damn high bets!
Zack: $100! Me: ALL IN!!! (I didn't have enough money) Ochibi: WTH! Fine! $100!!!
Haha! In the end, Ochibi won. It was sooo funny! Zack actually thought he would win, but Ochibi owned him! Mwhahaha!
Texas Hold 'Em:
I brought 2 poker decks there. One of the decks became our cash, the other became our cards. XD As you can see, we were enjoying the Royce chocolate we bought as well.
We also enjoyed some Australian red wine and German Riesling liquor while gambling too. Whoo! Oh! And we also had chips. ^^" (potato chips, btw)
By then it was really late, so we went back to sleep. XD
Haha! That pretty much concludes what we did during the one night stay itself. Haha!
Other random pictures by Sam:
Picture of MBS
The VIP lounge, where we went to get our rooms and room keys. (Sorry. The ceiling was more interesting than what was going on below...)
When we were in our room, my mom took out some of the beverages from the fridge to put our bottles of alcohol. Then when she went down to the VIP lounge to ask for my brothers' room, they told her she had incurred a debt of >$80.
My mom: WTH!!!
Apparently, none of us noticed the sign that said that the fridge was an automatic private bar. So whenever a beverage is removed from the fridge, the price of the beverage is automatically added to our tab. XD
The hotel was nice enough to waive the tab for us though.
P.S. The prices of drinks at MBS is crazy. 10 cans of drink = >$80. So one can = >$8!! ZOMG!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
But, like every hotel, there are down sides to the place.
The major downside is that their service sucks.
Like when my mom went to check in at 2.45pm (our actual check-in timing is at 3pm), our rooms were actually not ready yet. That's why our room got "upgraded" to the really huge room.
But my brothers' room still wasn't ready. And by 5pm, my mom went back to their VIP lounge and asked the receptionist for another room, since the one my brothers were supposed to have is still not ready.
Another incident was when my mom called room service to deliver 5 wine glasses so that we can drink some alcohol. She had to call about 3 times before anything was given to her...
And unlike most hotels, their lobby is nowhere near peaceful. It's full of tourists trying to get their rooms, people queueing and waiting for their rooms, etc. It was really crowded and noisy. And it irked poor Ochibi.
But other than those things, the stay was very fun! Haha!
Can't wait to do something crazy like that again some day! ^_^
Zzz. Too tired to write. Still got lots of stuff to do after my MBS adventure...
Later got choir rehearsal (OMG. I'm driving). And I haven't driven in... 4+ months? XD And a really lazy part of me really REALLY do not want to go for service... Hm... Maybe I'll stay back and do some work or something... ^^" I really need to start studying...
Anyway, I'll tell you about my MBS trip some other time. Hopefully, with pictures.
Mika is... less rowdy now. She still pounces on people (ME! And she broke my headphones while doing so), but she's now learning to calm down at last. Especially if we're firm with her.
However, as she is still learning her place, she has yet to learn about her place in the doggie hierarchy in our house.
Rule #1: Do Not Bother Tabby. She's the alpha leader at home, and will not be too happy about having her place challenged.
Rule #2: Chocy may be half-blind, small and clumsy. And timid. But that does not mean you can bully him. Though she keeps trying to play with Chocy, and Chocy keeps AVOIDING Mika. XDDD
Mika, though still a pup (a very fat pup at that), she subconsciously know about her place at home. It's just that my mom and I are the only two people that is willing to play a bit with her.
And it just so happens we're also the two that Tabby is most protective (possessive actually) of.
So when I came home, there was lots of growling (by Tabby) and barking (by Chocy and Mika). Basically, it's a riot.
Oh, and my mom's friend just dumped on her 3 more rabbits, and one just gave birth. So technically we have 4 new rabbits... Lassie is not gonna be pleased about sharing her space... She's too prim and proper for the other rabbits, which look as if they came from downtown.
Sigh... My house is turning into a zoo again... SIGH. What a day!
Anyway, I just remembered something from a few days ago. AND I ABSOLUTELY MUST RECORD IT DOWN.
Earlier this year (or somewhere end of last year), Sam wanted to change his specs. So he got a pair of black specs with silver rims.
About last week or so, Zack wanted to change his specs too. AND!!! He got a very VERY similar pair of specs to Sam's. It's also black, but with black rims instead.
AND!! Both specs are of the same brand too.
They didn't realise this until Sunday, when both of them were sitting down in church eating breakfast, when my dad commented that both of their specs look similar.
Both of them stared at each other in shock, before taking out their specs and compared them. Lo and behold, both of the specs are almost identical! XDDD
Which led to a mini episode of playful accusations being hurled at each other for copying their style.
Today marks a new day for the latest arrival in our family: Mika!
She's fat, but really friendly. She has a skin problem due to being allergic to something she ate. At least the previous owner cared enough to revert her diet so that she'll be back to normal again.
She's fat cause, it seems, the previous owner caged her for about 4 months. WTFASDFCSMNIDSJBFIAWEBNJADS
That's inhumane. But she's still so friendly, I really must applaud her. I would have bitten the owner a long time ago. And my dear dear mom, when she saw Mika, she took her home straight away. After all, the owner was telling my mom that if they cannot find someone who would take Mika, they would put her to sleep or send her to SPCA. WTH!
Then again, it's quite obvious they're not dog-lovers, so I suppose I shouldn't be so mean to them... But still!
Coincidentally, today is also Mika's birthday! Whoo! I shall say that her being in our home is probably the best present that she could ever have. (Trust me. The dogs in our house live like Kings and Queens. Way better life than us humans...)
I hope, with time, she'll be well integrated into our home.
There are a lot of songs playing through my mind...
First off, Mr. Taxi by SNSD. Introduced by Kyoya and it's now stuck in my head. Can't wait for 27 April... Then can see their choreography for this song. XD It's a really playful song too. Haha! Was looking through the translations.
Then, there's Sadistic Love by KAT-TUN. This one is more visual than audio. XD It was their sexiest song in Break The Record (in my opinion). XD And now, I think my bias is shifting towards Koki. ^^" He looks damn sexy in chains! XDDD
Sorry. Couldn't get that image out of my mind... ^^" That and Koki is probably the only guy in the whole group that can exude sexiness in a manly way. (Sorry to all the other members...)
The other song is To The Sky by Owl City. It as always been one of my favourite songs since I heard it. And now, with Snow White teaching me how to song-sign bits and pieces of the chorus, I am slowly getting addicted to the song again. XD
The other songs are Christian songs, You Alone Can Rescue by Matt Redman, My God Reigns by Matt Hooper and Avalanche by Hillsong United. I'm singing the first 2 for Easter! XD
But my friend made a comment that I feel is quite true. It's much easier to sing non-Christian songs, compared to the Christian ones... At least the non-Christian songs don't try to kill my throat when I sing them.
Oh! And I realise that BMS(De) knows my Mom's friend!! At least, she knows his son. XD Haha! When I came back from BMS(A)'s birthday party, I saw BMS(De) coming out of his house. Haha! I was quite shocked... Seems the world is really small after all. But now, she knows where to go if she wants to crash someone's place for no apparent reason. XD
During my 3 month break, I'm already going Vietnam. Hm... I actually want to do lots of things, but I'm just afraid I don't have the time... Grr...
I want to learn to play the guitar... =( My guitar practice has been on hold due to my inability to multi-task my work. And I want to intern in those dispensaries for 草药 cause I was quite disgruntled by the fact that people like BMS(SK) and Kyoya can churn out formulae and herbs as if it's second nature, while I'm still stuck at figuring out what the hell the doctor is talking about.
So hopefully, by improving some of my basics, I can get somwhere closer to their God-like level... =/ That and I realise that I cannot stand looking at patients for pro-long periods of time. Not without me attempting murder that is... So dispensing 草药 is an alternative choice of career, though I am told it won't earn much.
But I don't quite care... If somehow, I can do research (which should fill up the lack of money problem) and work part-time in those dispensaries (which also cures my boredom due to the inability to stay still doing nothing) it should solve most problems. And I get to keep in touch with that I learn. =)
Most ironically, I remembered telling Kyoya that working with 草药 is the last thing I wanna do... Hm... I suppose... You could say... I'm exploring options... I'm most definitely not people-oriented... They're like 气-suckers to me... Staying around large groups of them makes me wanna die... Or kill them...
So yeah...
Oh yeah! I'm also doing my research attachment and I hope to get Intro to Psycho during the break...
And meet Yuki, Inume, Kyoya, Tamaki...
And explore Sentosa Boardway (which I doubt Kyoya has the time... Hm... Inume...! =^^=)
Hm... I seriously don't think I have enough time to do everything I want to do actually... Zzz... I really wonder how Kyoya juggles around with everything... I need to learn it...
Oh. And I need to learn how to be more feminine... -_- I think it's high time I start exploring my X chromosome a bit more... After sem ends, of course. It just feels... Too damn awkward to act like a girl in front of guys...
Zzz. And now, I should be off trying to catch back all my lost sleep!
KNOCK, KNOCK ON THE SECRET DOOR Fumihazusu toki Yami no naka made mo izanae SADISTIC LOVE
Hizamazu kasete koakuma no waraigoe ga Itami ni kao wo yukamasete manzoku sa ONE MORE TRY
Fukai ai dakara itai shihai shitai Mitai chitai kimi shidai shiteru kitai DOGGY STYLE kami tsukami yoseru Chigireru kurai ni kamikakeru Jibun de ijiraseru HAHA nagekakeru Karada no naka made ho teraseru Mimimoto de sasayaku kimi wo kaitaku Kore ga kaikan kimi wa MY LOVE Kurawasu mata mo SPANKING Te wo tsuki tachi na koshi wo tsukidashi na I’M A S.A.D.I.S.T.I.C L.O.V.E kore ga REAL LOVE
Hisomu yoru no machi Hikari wo motomete furimawasarete Owaranai shoudou ni Mou nidoto modorenai Arifureta nichijyou ni
CRY MORE KNOCK, KNOCK ON THE SECRET DOOR IT'S TIME Fumi hazusu toki ENDLESS NIGHT Kurui dasu jounetsu Kagayake asu wa doko he LET’S SHOUT KNOCK, KNOCK ON THE SECRET DOOR THIS WORLD Utsumuri kawattemo Mabushii Yami no naka made mo izanae (S.A.D.I.S.T.I.C) SADISTIC LOVE
Yume wo misasete Yuuwaku no datenshi sa Zankoku na hodo ni utsukushii mono tachi
Odoru kimi no kage Te de fureru mae ni kie Maboroshi mitai ni Saigo no karamiai Hageshisa no towa he to haruka kanata yuke
CRY MORE KNOCK, KNOCK ON THE SECRET DOOR IT'S TIME Fumi hazusu toki Mabushii Yami no naka made mo Izanae (S.A.D.I.S.T.I.C) SADISTIC LOVE
Hateshinaku Shibararete Kago no naka ni toji kometa mama Zutto Sou kanarazu hikari sasu Kimi wa itsuno hi ka nigedasu Yoake mae ni
CRY MORE KNOCK, KNOCK ON THE SECRET DOOR IT'S TIME Fumi hazusu toki ENDLESS NIGHT Kurui dasu jounetsu Kagayake Asu wa doko he LET’S SHOUT KNOCK, KNOCK ON THE SECRET DOOR THIS WORLD Utsumuri kawattemo Mabushii Yami no naka made mo Izanae (S.A.D.I.S.T.I.C) SADISTIC LOVE
As you can tell from the nature of the above song, I am totally not gonna translate this song, because first, it's self-explanatory, and second, I want to keep my blog PG-13.
Today was really fun. XD Inume and I were supposed to go to Sizera somewhere in Clark Quey for lunch. But since neither of us knew where it was, we ended up eating Pasta de Waraku in the Central instead.
Then we went Kino to look around. XD I ended up buying my LONG AWAITED SAIYUKI!!! LAST BOOK!!! Whoo!! Haha! I also bought a really cool (Inume calls it creepy) bookmark.
Then finally, we went back to Inume's house for dinner. Of course, while waiting for dinner, Inume and I watched KAT-TUN concert "Break the Record".
KAT-TUN is a boy band that definitely took getting used to. But it's like a drug. You just need one song to lure you in, and after that, you're addicted. XD And now, NO THANKS TO INUME, I'm addicted to KAT-TUN.
I especially love Kame's voice. He can go sweet to playful to sexy to anything you want him to be. And his voice is really the nicest among all the 6 members. And he definitely knows how to command the stage with his presence. Haha!
But my bias is Ueda. Cause he's really the cutest of them all (in my opinion). Inume's bias is Nakamura, the beatboxer. Haha!
Anyway, most of the songs they sang takes getting used to. I still prefer their older songs instead of their newer ones. The melodies are not as nice as the old ones, which are more catchy. "Sadistic Love" is one of their songs, which is really epic during the "Break the Record" concert. It was like a scene out of a BDSM show. XDDD
One of the guys, Koki, happily wrapped chains around himself while singing, while Ueda had a super sexy come-hither look. Kame closed himself in a coffin-looking thing with chains. XDDD Take about taking BDSM to new levels. That being said, the song is really nice. And once I saw the translations, I burst into laughter.
The funniest part was the last song "Real Face". Where they tried to sing each other's parts. XD Nakamura totally failed at the rap part at the end. XDDD And although Koki (the original rapper) tried to help him out, he was laughing too hard to rap. Haha!
The most interesting part about the concert was that it has a lot of fan service (basically, the guys act gay for each other), impromptu actions, fire and water theatrics, flying around (literally), and other crazy moments in the concert.
There was this part where all the guys were supposed to dangle around this metal cube. Each member has his own cube to hang from. And all the guys were doing all sorts of stunts on them. Then they were shouting out "Oi! Nakamura!!". Apparently, Nakamura was clinging onto his cube for his dear life. He's afraid of heights. XD When they called out to him, he shouted back "No way! I can't!" But he still tried anyway.
It was soo funny to see that look of relief when his feet were back on the ground. Haha!
OMG. I wanted to die... Zzz. But now, IT'S OVER!!!
There are many things that ran through my mind over the past week. First of all, TAMAKI. Hahaha! He is now dubbed Kyoya's partner. Hahaha! In what sense... I'll leave it to your imagination. ~_^
But Inume and I were discussing about this (actually we were laughing ourselves silly over it), and we think it fits perfectly. Tamaki, on the flamboyant side and his eagerness to... be in close contact with people, especially Kyoya. A little on the gullible side too, "hailed" as a King, good-looking, etc. (Just don't tell him I said that)
Then there's Kyoya. Decidedly feminine (not by me, btw), motherly, can be manipulative, not a morning person, etc.
A perfect match. XD Btw, the names Tamaki and Kyoya are from a manga, Ouran High. The most amusing part of all is, in the manga, Tamaki labelled himself as the Father, and his best friend, Kyoya, as the Mother.
So romantic.
Hahaha! A real-life parody of a manga right in the middle of our TCM class. Not bad, eh? XD Though I believe Kyoya will murder me once he reads this. ^^"
Anyway, now on her blog, we're (as in her friends and I) are happily making fun of the name of an anime character she likes. It's a bit hard not to... Considering the fact that the character's first name is Yuu.
So we were posting all sorts of lame puns like "Yuu get it?", "Ain't Yuu the cutest thing ever?", "Yuu shut up!", "Why Yuu so mean?", "Thank Yuu", "Yuu guys are so nice", "Yuu make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream", etc.
Super hilarious. I was laughing my head off when I was reading it.
Haha! I miss hanging out with my cousin... Nvm. I'll be seeing her tmr! YEAH!
Today I spent the afternoon shopping with BMS(D). OMG. I never felt so awkward in a clothes shop before. I had absolutely no idea what to do. XD Well... I had an insider's view on what girls normally do when they go shopping.
And I conclude neither Shell, Yuki nor anyone with XX chromosome in my family constitute as a normal female.
Maybe that's why I was kinda lost when I was out with BMS(D). And BMS(El). I have no idea what to do in all those shops that they went to... Zzz.
In conclusion of today's shopping, either I shop with guys or shop with people with similar wavelengths as me... =/
Just came home from school and KO-ed on my bed for the next 2 over hours. XD Had another odd dream... This time, I was part of some school for special talent. Something like the X-Men's. Unfortunately, I lost my memory, which involved my mom, and I had to recover my memory cause there is something very important among my lost memories.
I don't remember much of it after that. Only that some people didn't want me to get back my memory, for some reason, and I nearly killed a couple of times... AND FOR SOME REASON, MY FIGHTS AND NEAR-DEATH ALWAYS INVOLVE NEEDLES!!! UGHH!!!
I still remember picking out the needles from my body gingerly... Ugh...
I also remember a really epic war of some sort, because I gained back my memory... Don't remember much about the war, except that I was tossed around constantly, cause I remember sailing through the air a couple of times...
Oh, the best memory of the war, was watching BMS(JQ) using some sort of device to fly through the sky to play RUGBY. Of course, when she threw the rugby ball at me, and I had to fly too, it was actually quite fun!
Then my mom decided to wake me up. Zzz.
And for the record, I'm gonna sleep soon... So I doubt I'll be studying Immuno today... Zzz!
I am always extremely amused whenever I read posts on FB about the class fruit salad. XDDD
Apparently, the Lefties are labelling random people in class as fruits, according to His Majesty. Hahaha! And whenever I see posts on FB about the different kinds of fruits, I end up laughing. Haha! Especially when you know what they mean.
But seriously, it's really cute! Haha! Kyoya's been telling me more about the Lefties and Central Right. After all, he hangs around them to study and what-not. And there is always very amusing stories and episodes about them. Haha! Sometimes, when I hang the Lefties, or more specifically, D2 and His Majesty, once in a while, we would end up trading stories on all the rubbish they say and the silly things they do. Haha!
Like on April Fool's Day. Apparently, His Majesty is very easy to fool. And D1/D2 happily tricked him. A few times, in fact. I got tricked once. =( Anyway, when I was talking to His Majesty, he warned me (after I was tricked) not to take D1/D2 seriously for that day. Yeah thanks, Your Majesty. I already got tricked. Thanks. XDDD
By the way, for those who are lost with the names, His Majesty, D1 and D2 are people in my class. The Lefties is their clique, or a few combined cliques. And Central Right is... a group of people? XDDD
Zzz. I hate it when things at the back of my mind start seeping in to the front of my head.
But then again, I suppose it's an issue I should have dealt with a while ago. I just kept ignoring the signs. I didn't want to deal with it, after all. With all my tests and such, I already barely have enough focus to keep going, without all these distractions.
Zzz. But since it has decided to crop up at this "appropriate" moment, and refuse to leave my head until I have dealt with it, I guess I better find a solution. And fast. My test is on Thursday and I need all the time to study. Zzz.
And I have spent the better half of this morning figuring out where you stand in my life. Sigh... The dumbest part about me, I suppose, is that I get attached to people too easily. First Yuki (Fran), then SL (who has since became an ex-friend), then Shell (for a lack of a better alias), and now Kyoya.
I guess the hardest part was the fact that Kyoya is MALE. =/ Then again, Yuki's female and I had similar feelings of her. But that was in Secondary School when I came to that realisation. I had more time to figure out what it was. This time, it's a crash course.
And since Kyoya is a guy, I guess the feelings are a little more complicated in a sense. -_- I blame the fact that I'm female. After all, when you tell a girl that you like her a lot, it's pretty easy to understand, cause there's not much ways a girl can like another girl, unless you really swing that way.
For a guy, it's a little harder to figure out which "like" is it. As a friend, as a brother, as a potential lover, as God-knows-what, etc. Doesn't help that Kyoya is the first guy I've ever considered part of my "pack", so to speak.
After a while of reflections, I realise I have a lot of issues with my dad...
I mean... I don't doubt that he loves me... But somehow... There are times when I don't quite believe it...
For one, I don't believe my dad even knows what I like or don't like... I don't think he knows that I liked A, or that I am struggling with school, or that I love cheerleading, or that I don't like cake or watching TV. I doubt he knows I like jackets, reading stories and exploring around.
He knows I like bubble tea because I once worked in a bubble tea store. And that I like puzzles from the... 12 over pieces of puzzles in my room. (If that wasn't obvious enough.) And sometimes, I really wonder, if I wasn't his daughter, what would he think of me?
I know I am constantly seeking for his approval. After all, he's my dad. And he never fails to disappoint.
Like when I commented to my mom that I had gained weight, my dad has to add his two-bits in and insist I was still underweight. I am not. The chart says so. But thanks to his genes, gaining weight to become fleshier is near impossible. -_- But does my dad care? No he doesn't. He still criticises me on my appearance and my weight should I ever accidentally present him the opportunity to do so.
Haha. I only knew that I could actually look good by end of JC. And that was after a whole series of crude yet flattering comments by Fran's boyfriend that made me realise I was not as bad as my dad always makes me out to be.
Then again, getting any form of compliment or praise from my dad is pretty much non-existent. After all, the first compliment Sam gave me was "OMG. Sis! You want guys to rape you ah?" or something like that. Mind you, I was only wearing a tank top. So yeah... My brothers definitely learn to compliment like my dad does. And it took me a while back then to figure out it was actually a compliment, not an insult.
So why am I still trying...? Zzz.
Btw, what sort of sparked off this was something my mom asked me. She asked if I think I'm good-looking. And I decided that, if I put in the effort to dress... More femininely. Yes, I am.
And now, my brothers give MUCH BETTER compliments... Like I'm very huggable (that is a definite compliment in my books) and I'm very cute, and why can't other girls be like me, etc. Though asking them for opinion on clothes is worse than torture for them.
Though I guess what Ju from cheerleading is quite right. If you don't like a person, no matter how good he is, you can only see the bad side of him. And I do not like my dad. And especially for my dad, his faults are always more than obvious to me.
He always insist that we should not follow in his footsteps, because he keeps making stupid mistakes. Hello. If you don't want someone to follow you, STOP DICTATING THAT PERSON'S ACTIONS. Then he complains why we follow him... =/ Sometimes, I wonder if it's legal to murder my own dad...
And he always treats me like a child too. Zzz. I mean, if I'm acting childish, and you can treat me like one... But I rarely behave childishly at home, AND YOU ACT MORE CHILDISH THAN ME!! And for the love of God, I am 21 this year! Not 2. I do not need all your mollycoddling and nagging. I am perfectly fine on my own.
You pretty much disappeared from the better half of my life anyway. If I were that incapable, I would have died a long time ago.
And no. I refuse to be your future doctor/piggy bank/maid/slave/investment/etc. You want someone to be that so much, go bother my brothers. I adamantly REFUSE to be any of the above for you.