A New Uni
Saturday, March 26, 2011 8:44 pm
Dreamt again...
This time it involved my little clique. Plus extra.
For some reason, the whole BMS class is allowed to go to this really interesting university somewhere... Like some overseas exchange programme or something. But it's with the whole class...
I was following Kyoya around as per usual. And taggina along were BMS(N) and BMS(E). From here on the memory gets blurry... I remember I was supposed to find my dorm. But I kinda got lost. (My sense of direction is equally bad in dreams, it seems) Apparently, the dorm was on the other side of the campus, and only 1 train goes there. (Yes, the uni had trains!) So I had to transfer trains or something. But the train stations were quite unique...
Every station had a certain theme to it. Like I passed by this one station where everything was really slippery. So I literally glided through the station. (It was quite fun, on hindsight) Another was like a walk through some food court-looking place, which looks as if it was built inside a tree. I remembered a lot of dark brown, like that of a tree/soil.
And by the time I found the train and took it. I reached an elevator where I had to have my passport to get in, and i forgot it, so I had to go back to get it. And I passed by all the said stations again, blah blah blah.
When I finally could enter my dorm, I found out I was rooming with Kyoya. O.O And their rooms had no bed... Eh... We had neighbours though. It was... I forgot her name... Starts with "S" I think... A really pretty girl, fyi. Anyway, her dorm has 3 roomies, including herself. And I was quite happy, cause Kyoya and I were kinda looking at each other, awkward. But their dorm had no space for me... =(
The dorm was, like, covered in mattresses... With this really bright, red, fluffy sofa/bed-looking furniture at a corner. And the room was sooooo small, the 3 people, with their bags, were quite cramped...
So I was stuck with Kyoya.
So we got kinda awkward... Cause no way both of us were sleeping on the same thing... So in the end, I decided to sleep on the fluffy sofa/bed-looking thingy and Kyoya will sleep on the floor. =/
I sort of woke up after that.
Hm... Maybe I should make a mental note to myself to stop dreaming of Kyoya so often... Then again, I only dream of him when I dream of the BMS members... After all, I hang around him the most during BMS... Zzz. I should start hanging out with the girls more... But then it'll be quite freaky if I keep dreaming of girls then... XDDD
Drifting Off
Monday, March 21, 2011 2:29 pm
"Oh, give me the beat, boys, and free my soulI wanna get lost in your rock and roll and drift away" - Dobie Gray
Creative Injection
Saturday, March 19, 2011 11:00 pm
OMG. I am officially in love with acapella singers.
There is something absolutely amazing about watching people make music with their mouths. No instruments. Just voices. It's epic awesome!
Today for choir, we watched lots of really amazing videos on epic acapella groups and other choirs. And no matter what my choir director said, Singapore Ensemble (I think...) is nothing compared to the other countries.
Haha! And I have just discovered "The Sing Off" which is like "American Idol" except it's for acapella only. Whoo! And I have to say, some of the groups were SUPERB!!!
XD But Season 2 has better singers and better arrangements. Season 1... The singers were not really as good, and their voices were not really well arranged, I guess... For me, Season 2 were great enough for you to start dancing to their songs. Season 1... You just go "Orh."
And while I'm busy finding and listening to such wonderful music, there's the nagging thought of my up and coming pharmocology test...
But as of the moment, who cares? XDDD
Friday, March 18, 2011 1:00 am
Kanda snarled. "We are not doing that shit, and what did I tell you about using my goddamn first name?"
Lavi smiled. "That it was only okay at night between the sheets, baby," he replied
XD My cousin got me addicted to "
Any Way You Want It". I swear, after reading the story... It makes Kyoya's free use of vulgar words seem so much easier to listen to... XD
Lavi is awesome. I swear. He always has a way of twisting situations to make it stickier than it really is. =/ (P.S. Lavi and Kanda are supposed best friends here. Not lovers.)
Cell was lovely, as usual. WR finally came! XD I sort of miss him being around in cell. He doesn't really talk much (Unless he's being forced by P), but I love the way he sings and plays the guitar. XD He's really the best, in my opinion.
And I get to see K. XD In the cell, he's sort of my eye-candy. He can dress really well! (He tends to dress in the kind of style that I love) and he's quite good-looking too. XD The other guy in my cell that dresses well is R. But R's way of dressing is more casual/sexy. K is more stylish/hot. ~_^
Anyway, I think it would inflate K's ego too much if I actually told him that... -_- And R would suddenly become shy if I told him he looks sexy. =/ I mean, seriously. I can still totally remember the way he wore his white (semi-translucent) shirt, with about the top one-third of the shirt unbuttoned. And he's quite fit, if you know what I mean... >.>
So it's either my hormones are overactive... Or I'm the only girl in cell with functional hormones... =X Or it's just me.
Cell's been really great though. And with WK cracking his usual lame rubbish, it's hard for it not to be entertaining. And WR and K pulling all sorts of weird stunts with food and making me giggle like some demented person, yeah, it's really fun. XD
Thursday, March 17, 2011 2:53 pm
I suppose... Now that everything insane is more or less over. I can mourn properly now... Even though it's way too late...
But having an emotional lock-down so near my exams is not that good a thing, I realised. Apparently, panic is also one of the emotions locked down together with all my tears and sorrow.
And my memory went on strike. It's still not coming back... -_-
Fangji was hell.
I was literally guessing my way through the whole paper. Thank God for people like Kyoya who helped me study and kept me company when I was in school. ^-^
Otherwise, I might as well just die now.
Serious! That crazy teacher of ours gave us a list of tips for exams... And less than 50% of those tips were tested. So dumb people like me studied only the tips and realise everything in the exam paper is so damn unfamiliar.
Then there's people like Kyoya, who memorised everything under the sun. =/ I think he's gonna do well, it's just that his perfectionist side is antagonising over the idea that he may not get his A.
And while I'm at it, I realise I still owe Kyoya a meal for helping me out with cao yao... =X Oops.
Sigh... Tired now... Zzz. Woke up at 3am actually... Couldn't sleep... Tried for about 2 hrs before giving up and going to study...
And the only reason why I'm not asleep now is because the tea I drank in the morning still has its caffeine/sugar effect on me... XD I tend to drink sugar with tea, by the way. So yeah... Sugar high much.
The Bucket List
Saturday, March 12, 2011 5:25 pm
"We live, we die, and the wheels of the bus goes round and round..." - The Bucket List
Now I have only 4 days to my exam... And yet... Somehow... It feels somewhat surreal.
Everything is going too fast, too soon. And as of the moment, I'm too emotionally exhausted to deal with all of them...
But for now, I would like to remember the death of a very dear family friend, Uncle Francis...
During the past week, he had suffered 2 strokes, and his condition deteriorated really quickly. I guess this is why I wanted to be a doctor of some sort. So that when things take a turn for the worst, I would not feel helpless about it.
Anyway, when my mom announced that his blood pressure had dropped, you had no idea how much I wanted a 生脉散 there and then.
Although, I felt that his case could be handled better... For example, NOT pestering his wife to pull the plug, as if he's just taking up space in the hospital. They could have gotten the MRI scans faster (He only got his scans 11 hours after the first stroke, which is too late) I don't know... All I know is that when such situations arise, there could be so many things that could be handled better, because we wanted to believe he had a chance to survive...
I won't cry now I suppose. He's gone. Nothing I do will ever bring him back.
But I suppose I knew all along... When I stay up at night, crying my eyes out, because somehow I knew he won't make it out alive... Today's news on his death merely confirmed my gut feeling.
I guess I came to terms with his death a few days ago... Not that it made the news easier. It just makes me too drained to cry anymore.
I know Kyoya says that death is inevitable to everyone. But the idealistic side of me would love it if all of us live our lives to the fullest before passing on... Uncle Francis still had so much to live for. He still hasn't watched his grandchildren grow up. He hasn't watch his daughter get married. He still owe my mom a trip to eat durians and curry fish heads...
And I still haven't said goodbye.
But... I suppose the realistic side of me came to terms with it a long time ago... I think, at least. Because as of the moment, I feel like crying but I really lack the tears to cry anymore...
But life goes on... That I know... I don't have the time to grieve properly... Not with my exam so near... But... Even so... Even so...
My God Reigns
Monday, March 07, 2011 12:16 am
My God reignsHis love will never fail meMy God reignsHe's ruling over allIn all my life, in every situationI knowMy God is greaterMy God is over all
Saturday, March 05, 2011 10:47 pm
Slept this afternoon and had a really odd dream...
This time, it's about my BMS class. I forgot why, but we were all inside this really cool place with some sort of castle feel to it. Yeah... It was kinda grand. Anyway, I remember the whole class being there, like a class outing or something. I remembered seeing Kyoya, but I forgot what was he doing there... =/
BMS(QM) was there too. In his usual grey sweater. I remembered he was sitting alone by a table in a corner, with his usual pondering look on his face. Though what he was thinking about, I had no idea.
I remembered that we cannot leave the place, somehow... Because the transportation had yet to arrive...
BMS(PT) left early though. She left with someone I didn't know. Probably her boyfriend. =/ Anyway, she found a way out of the place via a really messed up public transport system. It looked like Singapore's MRT... Except it was way messier. There was this one station we had to alight, because it was the end of the line. It had about 3 interchanges, and a helicopter pad. XD (It was the purple line btw.)
And I had to take the helicopter to go home. XD That was the awesome part.
I don't remember much else of it, cause I was woken up for dinner... Zzz. But this dream's unusual cause it involved the whole class... Usually... It's just zombies, chaos and lots of disaster. =X
Friday, March 04, 2011 10:20 pm
两天前,患者的咽喉突然痛。咽痒。 喉咙干燥, 微咳, 干咳。口渴欲饮,但小便频数。有头痛,恶心欲吐。纳呆。 今天,饮食后,几个小时后会有便溏。 肌肉酸痛, 头昏目眩。吴寒发热。咳嗽有痰。 痰黄稠,难咳。口中不渴,不欲饮。晚上不寐,梦多。
And that's about all I can remember for now...
What do I have? Some super obvious ones, like 脾胃气虚,胃气上逆, 表证入里 don't really need to say... XDDD
I realise that now, as I continue to learn my 中医, my body is like my playground... XD Everytime my body "malfunctions", it's quite amusing to try to figure out what's wrong.
And the more I learn, the more I'm losing faith in Western medicine... =/
Zzz... My family went to have JAP FOOD!!! WITHOUT ME!!! Zzz! Because I'm sick. *sobs*
And tomorrow I still have school... Zzz. Internship actually... Hm... Maybe I can register as a patient there, then see doctor. XD Hahaha! Sigh... Still have lots of work to do... Time... I need time...