Shopping is TIRING
Thursday, December 30, 2010 2:11 pm
XD When to the Metro Sale at Expo today.
We bought lots of things. XD
Typically, Sam bought lots of food.
For me, I actually went there to buy shoes... And slippers. Mine died when it got ran over by a car. (The car which broke my toe, fyi) And yeah... Since the sweat glands on my feet is hyperactive too, most of the slippers I wear tend to peel after a while... -_- So I bought one pair, which looked nice, and is waterproof (I hope). But the price sort of just shot through my heart... $40 for a pair of slippers is totally not worth it to me... But it is a really nice pair... And my mom just told me to invest in a good one, so that I don't have to buy another for a couple more years... So oh well...
And I also bought a nice pair of court shoes. ^-^ I need it for choir actually... So I thought it would be good to invest in a pair as well.
Interestingly enough, I found a pair of high-heel shoes that I like. It's comfy. ^^" For once. I actually don't mind a pair of high-heel shoes (sandals, actually. And it's from crocs.)
I also bought a dress (horrors of horrors), which is quite silky to the touch, and nice. I look good in it too. ^^" But whether I'll ever wear it... Hm... ^^" That's why I don't buy dresses... It ain't practical (to me). But it was nice...
Haha! Anyway, after the whole shopping trip (which lasted 1 and a half hour and I already felt like dying), I wondered out loud to my Mom whether is it a good thing or a bad thing that I'm buying more feminine stuff, like high-heel shoes, dresses, make-up. (The last one is desperately needed for choir...)
Haha! My Mom insisted that it's good. "Otherwise, cannot find boyfriend", according to her. XDDD
But she's one to talk. ~_^ She, too, prefers guys' style of clothing instead of the girls' style. There is a reason why I rather go shopping with my Mom than my Dad... >.>
I'm doing quite well for my games. *surprise!!* I can actually move around in the game, Assassin's Creed 2! XD Nothing to brag about, but if you have ever seen me play RPG games, you'd understand why this is an accomplishment for me.
Haha! Though I have yet master the art of NOT getting into trouble in the game itself... ^^" The best part of the game? Bouncing around from roof to roof! I swear, it's like some childish delight in watching the character jump around the roofs like some lunatic (the computer commented as much).
There is also some sadistic delight in watching the character fall off the roofs and not die... yet. ~_^ My life bar will go really low. But not that low that I would die. ^^" So I spend half of my time running round the city with about 1 bar left to my life bar. ^^"
The life of the character? Steal, kill and bribe. Nice! Though, once, I "accidentally" killed a civilian... Whoops! *not sorry at all* Haha! It's actually a really fun game. ^-^
Now, enough talking. More playing! Whoo!
Ups and Downs
Wednesday, December 29, 2010 11:50 am
Today is starting off well. For one, I have hijacked my brother's external hard drive and am obtaining all sorts of games from there! Mwhahahaha!
Plants vs Zombies, DOTA, Assassin's Creed 2, etc. WHOO!!!
My life is getting happier and happier! ^-^
My mom told me I should tell A how I feel... Except that, I should try my best to say it in a light-hearted manner... XP One *small* problem... When it comes to such matters, I can't do light-hearted for NUTS!
Then my mom and I joked about how I could drink some alcohol, pretend to get drunk, confess, and pretend not to know anything the next day.
And if I said anything else or anything awkward, I can just blame the alcohol. Hahaha!
Sounds like a good idea, no? ~_^
Haha! Although I doubt I'll stand a chance... But Mom says people can change... And that I'm too young to be thinking so far into the future... -_- Thanks Mom.
Still... I dunno...
My school's timetable is already quite chaotic... And I have no idea how to maintain my grades and have a relationship at the same time... And I've got a bad feeling it will be my grades that suffer at the end... (If it isn't already suffering enough...)
Ah well... I suppose I could treat it like some "fyi..." thing... After all, I can't expect anything in return.
And now that my exams are over... Someone... I forgot who, asked about my GPA.
Honestly... I am quite scared... Cause I really did work damn hard this sem... But I'm really scared it isn't enough... Last sem, it wasn't enough... What about this sem???
I am really scared that my GPA will drop... IT'S ALREADY 2.9!! IF IT DROPS ANY LOWER I'M SCREWEDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!
I believe I did better this sem than last sem... But my worry is, is it enough? Is it enough for me to reach my target grade? Or higher? And I know I completely screwed up MicroBio, so I can't count on that one to save my soul... That leaves Physio... D888 I'm sooo dead...
And yet... Despite all of these... A part of me is really REALLY eager to find out my grade... Curse my curiosity... Sometimes I swear... It's better off killed... XD
Monday, December 27, 2010 11:01 pm
END OF YEAR MEME1. What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before?I went to a concert. *jaws drop* by JYJ.
I participated in a cheerleading competition. XD
I participated in DnD, as a member of PnP. (Even though I can't draw for nuts. In the end, I felt that it was E who did most of the work, and that I didn't contribute much...D=)
I studied by brains out for chinese and nearly died.
I broke a bone. My toe. Into 3 pieces. (Quite amazing coming from someone who never broke a bone in her body before)
I joined FOC. (Personally, I didn't think I did a good job of my role... And I wish I could do better, but I have no idea how...)
I went for DE for Women. (30+ women together + a nearby shopping mall = chaos)
I went for Paintball! XDDD (I need to up my physique if I wanna run round the place better)
I liked an idiot, and actually told the person instead of running away as I always do. (Kudos to me for courage!)
Held a potluck over at my house (MEAT GALORE!)
Had a sleepover at my place. With all guys. (Haha! The most I ever had before was when Ivan and Fran slept over...)
I survived one YEAR of admin! Whoo!
2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?^^" Didn't make any actually... The one constant resolution that I always make but never keep is tot stop biting my nails... XD
Interestingly, I have lots for next year...
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?No. And not that I know of...
4. Did anyone close to you die?Someone did die... But not someone close to me...
5. What countries did you visit?Singapore... And Singapore... I doubt my own wonderland counts...
6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?Strength. I want to be strong enough to overcome my obstacles. I want to be strong enough to not run away. I want to be strong enough to keep my faith. I want to be strong enough so I won't cry anymore...
And I want to have more confidence in myself. In what I can do.
7. What date from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?I'm not one that remembers dates actually...
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?I took a step of faith and continued what I was supposed to do from a long time ago...
9. What was your biggest failure?Chinese. YX. (Or at least... The way I dealt with the situation with him... Ugh. A rational person, I do not always make...)
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?I hardly fell sick this year! Whoo!! But I did break my toe... >.>
11. What was the best thing you bought?I have no idea... The most useful is this puzzle box that I put all my money...
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?KYOYA!! THANKS FOR PUTTING UP WITH ME ALL THIS WHILE!!!
Zack and Sam, for being there for me, and for all the hugs! ♥
Inume and Mel, for being there for me, getting stuff for me, etc.
God. For everything.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?For appalled... None. For depressed... A few.
14. Where did most of your money go?This year? Transport, food, and christmas shopping.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?Concert to JYJ
And I'm not so sure about others... As far as I know, this year is a pretty moody one for me. XD
16. What song(s) will always remind you of 2010?I have no idea... The current song stuck in my head now, though, is "Beautiful, Beautiful" by Francesca Battistelli
17.Compared to this time last year, are you:
A) happier or sadder? Sadder. Then again... I was pretty emo last year too...
B) thinner or fatter? Same. =.=
C) richer or poorer? Richer. I do save a lot. ~_^
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?I wish I wrote stories. I wish I travelled more... I wish... Actually... Not much... Even though I'm not that happy with my year... Won't change it for the world.
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?Crying. If I could, I wish I studies less... And score better, but that's just wishful thinking...
20. How will you be spending Christmas?Choir. Choir. Sleeping.
21. How will you be spending New Year's?If I can, I want to sleep over at Inume's house, and marathon ABDBSK. Then on new year itself, go out cycling with Kyoya and buy gongcha! OMG. I can totally imagine the tiredness I will feel...
22. Did you fall in love in 2010?I had a crush. I didn't know how to handle it. And I couldn't say yes, even if I wanted to. Because I can never imagine us together. We fight too much and I have a feeling we would self-destruct if we do get together. And although initially I felt sad that I didn't say yes, eventually, when I look back, it was the right answer. So I'm sorry. For everything.
As of the moment, I have another crush. But he likes someone else. And I can't tell him anything, because it would just make things worse. And so I just have to suck it up and deal with it like a man. Rawr.
23. How many one-night stands?O.o I lost count... I won't call them one-night... More like, one-week. There is Freddy Kreuger, Johnny Depp, Kyle, Laxus, Allen Walker, Saijou Mikoto, Train Heartnet, Sho Kazamatsuri, Jing (King of Bandits), Son Goku, Gaara, Kakashi, some other random characters I read about or created in my mind, etc.
On-and-offs, include Itachi Uchiha, Monkey D. Luffy, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachin, Hibari Kyouya, Ciel Phantomhive, Tezuka Kunimitsu, Xiah Junsu, Amano Ginji, Kai Hiwatari (my OC), etc.
24. What was your favorite TV program?None. Doubt I had the time to watch any...
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?No. Just that same old person... Zzz.
26. What was the best book you read?No books... Do fanfiction and stories on count? =DDD
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?SKILLET
28. What did you want and get?I wanted many things, I got many things, but I've also lost many things... And I've also lost track of them all...
29. What was your favorite film of this year?Narnia
From Paris, With love
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
Alice in Wonderland
How to train your Dragon
The Losers
The A-Team
Ironman 2
Prince of Persia
Despicable Me
Resident Evil 4 Afterlife
Legend of the Guardians
30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?20. I did lots of things, I went to the zoo. And I was really sad on my birthday... MOVING ON.
31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?IF I HAD LEARNT THE GUITAR SOONER!!!
32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?To hell with fashion. Comfort is the new in, yeah? ~_^
33. What kept you sane?Kyoya. Seriously. And my manga and daydreaming.
34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?JUNSU.
35. What political issue stirred you the most?I choose to remain OUTSIDE the political world. Thank you very much.
36. Who did you miss?Fran. I hardly see her... =(
37. Who was the best new person you met?Jacky. (I think I'll call her that from now onwards... XD) A likes her, and in a sense, she's the worst new person I ever met... But in another sense, she's also the
38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010.As my mom says, "Eat, drink, and be merry". Life's too short for regrets. There are things that I should have handled differently, but looking back, I won't change my decisions. After all, they are what mold me to what I am today.
Beautiful Beautiful
12:22 pm
Teardrops on My Guitar
Sunday, December 26, 2010 8:53 pm
Drew looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see
What I want and I need
And everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful
That girl he talks about
And she's got everything
That I have to live without
Drew talks to me
I laugh 'cause it's just so funny
I can't even see
Anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love
He's finally got it right
I wonder if he knows
He's all I think about at night
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do
Drew walks by me
Can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
She better hold him tight
Give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes
And know she's lucky 'cause
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do
So I drive home alone
As I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down
And maybe get some sleep tonight
'Cuz he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do
He's the time taken up but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into
Drew looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see
This is the song running through my head today... For some sadistic, God-forsaken reason, for LWW, my group is paired up with his. x_X
I mean... I suppose, on one hand, it's great. I get to spend more time with him... On the other hand... It's not so great to hear him talk about J... Yes, I know, she's like me... But after the first... 10 points (I'm exaggerating btw.) of similarities, I'd thought he'd stop being so surprised we're that similar... -_-
Oh, and best. He hopes I can tag along when they go for outings, so that he won't feel so tempted to do things to her. Thanks A. Just the thing I need to hear...
Sigh... And Mel sort of scolded me for being too nice... XD She called him an "asshole"! XDDD
Sigh... This is the problem of doing my best to understand people... And putting them first... Usually, I'll end up being taken advantage of... SIGH. And I realised that I'm more prone to hugs when I'm sad... Regardless of how much I laugh and smile.
Of course, I won't do that to Kyoya and BMS(E). I'm quite sure after I hug them, they'll ensure I keep (x) metres away from them... XD
Hm... That being said... I need to find huggy people for when I go China... Otherwise, I'll end up being super depressed there... Yes. I love hugs. XP
Speaking of hugs... I hugged A today. ^^" Actually, I hugged Sam... And A saw and wanted one too... So... Oh well... =/ Take what I can I guess...
Today's LWW highlight is the drama section. XDDD The 3 craziest people in HighLife are the judges... And any sane person will know... Putting 3 conflicting, insane, illogical people together is just a sign of chaos. And that's pretty much what happened for the drama section. XD
We were given 15 mins to create a skit on a given scenerio, and we must make use of our "special talent" given to us too. I don't know all the special talents given to the different groups... But all the skits were quite hilarious.
The first skit was about a couple. XD The lead male was super funny. "We shall frolick in the fields" and he proceeded to "frolick" with the female lead and even presented her a huge flower (it was actually an umbrella). And when the couple went to the girl's family for dinner, they were having chicken and invited the couple to join them... Apparently, the male is allergic is chicken, and every time the word "chicken" is mentioned, he starts convulsing.
And one of the group members said that the event is "Love for Walls" instead of "Love Without Walls". XDDD Haha! That sets us all in laughter.
The second skit is us! Yay! We were supposed to create a skit on a businessman and how he values money over the true meaning of christmas. And our special talent is that we have to rap to the customers. XDDD So T and K changed the words for the MacDonalds rap and instead of "I'm lovin' it", it's "Have a heart, man!" Haha! It was super hilarious! Especially T's facial expressions! EPIC.
I forgot the rest of the order of the skits... But I know there is one group that did a mime. And apparently, everything was written and mimed out except for when the actors roll on the ground exclaiming "I'm a sack of potatoes!" XDDD
Then there is another skit, Zack's skit, which is supposed to be horror, but it ended up as a comedy. Chucky could be warded off using pi = 3.142... etc, Sadako tore a mugger's homework and was blasted into pieces by Enstein's theory, E=mc^2, Emily Rose possessed people but got destroyed by 1+1 = window. XDDD
And the Mugger Heroes were victorious! Hahahaha! OMG. When you have Zack, and a few other crazy people in the group, don't expect to be scared by the horror there.
Sam's one is equally funny. Their group's special talent is to beatbox. So they held a beatbox competition in their skit, where they proceed to beat the hell out of boxes. XDDD It was sooo funny!
And Mel's team was really funny too! Their skit's genre was fantasy/role-playing, and their special talent is kung-fu fighting. XDDD So they got one of their members, who is really tall... Taller than BMS(E) I think, to play the bad guy a video game, and they had really funny fighting scenes. XD
It was an amusing event overall. Though I had to skip out on the last part, which is building our own christmas tree from ... God-Knows-What. XD It sounded fun... But I had to go off... Watched Narnia with my family and had christmas dinner together with them too. XD
Sigh... And I'm trying to distract myself from the fact that I'm sad... Is it working? Only a little, I'm afraid.
Saturday, December 25, 2010 12:47 am
Wah! Today is super tiring...
Morning wake up. Rush to TM, go Christmas shopping. XD I think Zack and I spent, like, $300+++ on all our gifts. XD
Then came back and nap. ^^" My body is still trying to catch up all of the lack of sleep from exam still...
Then later went to a party with my cell. =^^= Was so happy to see everyone again. For the gift exchange, I got a moleskin notebook! Whoo!!
Then after that, Mel and I had Guitar Lesson No. 2. ^-^ And within about 1 hour, I can play 3 songs! "You are my sunshine", "In the Evening" (By Bee Gees) and "Glory to God". Am I awesome? Or am I AWESOME? ~_^ Haha! Mel's a really good teacher too.
At the moment, I'm still learning all the full chords. ^^" Haven't learnt the short cuts yet... And my strumming is sucks like hell... But at least, I can still play the chords quite ok.
Haha! Mel says by lesson 3, she'll try to work more on my strumming. XD And she'll get me a guitar, a summary of all the chords and a pick when she comes back. XD Whoo! I have the best teacher ever!
TOMORROW! CHRISTMAS!!! I AM SINGING! XDDD My next few days are going to be soooo crazy... @_@ Christmas... Is always busy for a Christian. So that's expected. On Sunday, I have LWW, Love Without Walls, which is full of fun, games and interactions. Then I'm watching Narnia with my family and having Christmas dinner with them too.
Monday, I got dental appoinment. Then I have another party. And Mel and I will be shopping for stuff. XD Parties like these usually take up the whole day... So there goes Monday too.
Then either Tues or Wed, Fran will be coming over to my house! Or at least, I hope so. ^^"
And I don't care. I'm sleeping thru Thurs... With my week, I think I'll need it... @.@
Friday, December 24, 2010 12:19 am
True... I have no idea what I was answering for about half the paper... >.> But HECK. I'll worry again when I see my GPA. For now... SLEEP! XD
All my nights of not sleeping enough is catching up with me... ^^"
My mom found out about A. (More like, I told her) XD Her reaction's the best. She's even sadder than me at the prospect of not having A as a potential son-in-law. XDDD Only my mom. Haha!
I need to do my retail therapy tomorrow... >.> I need to go christmas shopping... I already put off my Mom's birthday present until now and it's high time I bought it instead of just thinking of buying it... ^^"
Anyway, Kyoya (YES. I FINALLY HAVE A NICKNAME FOR A FRIEND) brought me out to buy Koi from Clementi since he knew I was sad about A. XD Don't worry. I'll be alright. It just takes a while to recover. =^^= But thanks for the much needed company.
He's now dubbed "Kyoya" because I was talking to Inume about him, and she gave him the name Kyoya. For those that actually reads "Ouran High" will know why. As for the others... When an appropriate name comes up... (or when Inume and I come up with some weird name to catergorise you guys) I'll use them instead.
Lemme see my tmr's schedule... Shopping, sleep, party. Nice. XD
I'll be seeing my beloved cell tmr for the party!! WHOO!!! I miss them so... Sigh... I realised that when you become a leader, no matter how backseat a role you play (I'm just in charge of admin), you get attached to all the members in the end. ^^" Most of us came into the cell, blur as sotong, with no idea what to expect. And now, we have weathered 1 and a half year of joys and pain. Personally, I don't see any growth in myself, but I see the others growing more and more.
From Shy, quiet Mel, she is now easily excitable and often hassle the guys to play and sing with her (me included). And she's also much more talkative and more willing to speak her heart. And she's really cute sometimes too. Haha! She's also gotten fiercer. XD Hence, the guys usually listen to her... Hahahaha!
Then there is our dear leader, Nick. He originally took a backseat row and let P do all the lessons and activities and all. And now, he has risen up to her level. He's more understanding and less aloof. Though now, he tends to resemble a mother hen, especially when we get out-of-hand. XDDD
Then there is Cz. He's a little on the naive side, for a guy. But he has a good heart. He always seem not-so-interested in many things. And it's only now I realised that nothing is further from the truth. He has found a way to bond people through sports. He's also all fired up for missions and has decided to be more proactive in his work. The naivety didn't change though. XDDD
Then there is C and LS. Both of them, being leaders, tend to enjoy taking a backseat role when it comes to participation, since they have always been leading, they enjoy coming to cell to relax and just chill. XD And though both of them were rather quiet initially, now, they talk more. XD Not that much, since neither of them are that chatty, but enough to joke around. ^_^
Fi has always been one of the most beautiful members of the cell (Mel being the other). She's always quiet. But I have since learnt she's more like QM from my class. Quiet, but always observant. And deep in character. She's always consistent, always giving her best, rarely complaining, and always sweet. She's not someone I understand well still... She's like Kyoya to me... Not really difficult to understand, but for me, I have difficulty understanding their depth of their character sometimes.
Then there is Nat. He's the cutest guy I know, character-wise. He's soft-spoken, more often than not cheerful, always eager to lend a helping hand and overall, a very gentle soul. Sometimes I hardly see in guys nowadays. He's also... Someone I have difficulty comprehending... Because under that gentleness, lies a deepness I cannot understand.
Last, there is WR. He's someone... WHO KEEPS MISSING CELL SO HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO UNDERSTAND HIM. Sigh... But I know random things about him... Like he smiles a lot when he's nervous; he loves jazz; he loves to play the guitar and is by far, the most talented guitarist I know; his sense of direction is not that good, for a guy; he takes physics, etc. Random. I know.
Oh wait. I forgot. JL. He never comes... >.> *mutter mumble* But when he's around, he's always fun to be with. XD He's the only guy in cell, I think, that I click relatively well with. ^^" Same as WR, since he's hardly around, I do not really know what he is like, except he has a great love for cooking. ^^ And he cooks well too.
Anyway, enough of me thinking of my dear cell...
Other random things I want to say:
KYOYA IS JIO-ING ME GONG CHA! Yay! Since he say nice, I shall try!! Mwhahaha! Hope I don't kenna poisoned... >.> Knowing Kyoya... *shudders*
And I will need to find a day to sleepover at Inume and marathon ABDBSK. =^^=
I need to find a day where I can bake MUFFINS with Fran and Ivan...
I also need to find a time when the guys can sleep over... (Apparently, they want another horror movie marathon over at my place... XD)
And I need to take time out for the sem break project, for chalet, for choir, etc.
And next sem... It's a 6 school days a week for me... Sigh... There goes my holidays...
Last Night
Monday, December 20, 2010 6:57 pm
You come to me with scars on your wrist
You tell me this will be the last night feeling like this
I just came to say goodbye
I didn't want you to see me cry, I'm fine
But I know it's a lie
Sigh... I guess it'll always be like this... Me liking someone... And that someone liking someone else...
Went to study with A today. There was a girl there, J. She's really sweet and cute. Haha. In fact, I could say she's like a copy of me, personality and all, except she's more petite and thinner than me.
And A likes her.
On the train back... He told me he likes her quite a lot. And for a moment... He considered chasing after me, but since I'm going China and all, and she's more his type... So...
And I swear... For a second, I really felt like breaking... And I dunno... Personally, I can't find it in myself to dislike her or to be jealous... After all, it's A's choice to like her... And there is a selfish part of me that hopes that she will not like him back... But considering her personality and what she likes... I doubt that's likely. After all, she is like me... And since I like him, I doubt she won't...
And all I can do now is pray that she looks after him well... Because that's really all I can do...
And now... Ah hell... I really don't feel like studying anymore...
More like... I want to crawl under my blanket and wallow in self-pity.
What Faith Can Do
Friday, December 17, 2010 7:44 pm
I'm obssessed with this song, I know. But the chorus really struck a chord in me...
That's what Faith Can DoEverybody falls sometimes
Gotta find the strength to rise
From the ashes and make a new beginning
Anyone can feel the ache
You think it’s more than you can take
But you're stronger, stronger than you know
Don’t you give up now
The sun will soon be shining
You gotta face the clouds
To find the silver lining
I’ve seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn’t ever end
Even when the sky is falling
I’ve seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That’s what faith can do
It doesn’t matter what you’ve heard
Impossible is not a word
It’s just a reason for someone not to try
Everybody’s scared to death
When they decide to take that step
Out on the water
It’ll be alright
Life is so much more
Than what your eyes are seeing
You will find your way
If you keep believing
I’ve seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn’t ever end
Even when the sky is falling
I’ve seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That’s what faith can do
Overcome the odds
You don't have a chance
(That’s what faith can do)
When the world says you can’t
It’ll tell you that you can!
I’ve seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn’t ever end
Even when the sky is falling
And I’ve seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That’s what faith can do
That's what faith can do!
Even if you fall sometimes
You will have the strength to rise
Thursday, December 16, 2010 5:23 pm
Whoo!! ANATOMY IS OVER!!! 2 DOWN! 2 TO GO!!!
And the best part is, the last 2 are both MCQ papers!!
Life is good now!
And I just read finish Psyren! Awesome manga! There's nothing like the prediction of the end of the world to make you happy during exam period. XDDD
The main character is nice too, Yoshina Ageha. ^^ I tend to like such simple-minded main characters... Same reason why I like Luffy from One Piece so much.
Also, there were 5 children in the story too. Marie is soooo cute! I'm serious! Shy, sensitive and just PURE adorable... ^^
Then there is cool-headed Shao, who always never loses his head in a battle (and has a crush on Marie! ~_^)
Then there is Fu. Brave, fiery Fu, both in spirit and in power. Haha! I love the way this mangaka portrays her female characters. They're not like some of those really wimpy main characters *coughBELLEcough* but they each have their own individual strengths, and I have a tendency to love strong characters. =^^=
Of course, following that sentence, it would be obvious I would love the most HEADSTRONG character in the story, KYLE!!! Seriously! He's just plain amusing to read about, and he's cute! XDDD
The child I like the least, but respect the most, is little Van. He's the healer of the group, and he is really awesome! He doesn't talk much, but it's really hard to not like him. He's sooo cute!!
Then there's Matsuri, the super kickass lady that I instantly like when I saw her. Seriously. She's the best ever!
Then there is the antagonist, whom I just cannot dislike at all, he's too sweet... In a sadistic, violent and disturbing way... >.> But really, he's too nice to dislike. And even though he's the antagonist, the mangaka really showed how his personality evolved to him being... Like that. ^-^
All in all, Psyren's cool. XD It's relatively short, only 145 chapters. (shorter than One Piece, Naruto, Prince of Tennis, etc. at any rate...) And it's a really interesting story. XD But such stories are only nice when read altogether, instead of waiting for the chapters one by one. ^^" Yeah... That's why I only read it, like now... I was waiting for the story to finish.
Ah well! Now that it's over, I'm waiting for Air Gear to complete as well. =^^=
Sunday, December 12, 2010 11:18 pm
During EOY:
Me: "OMG!! This guy was available!! For $5!! So I bought him and how he's mine!" ^-^ (I was sooo happy)
Inume: O.o
-We were talking about a poster by the way-
Apparently, some artist drew characters based on china's history. XD And there was this guy that was supposed to assassinate the first emperor of China, but he died in the attempt. And the way the artist drew him was DAMN HOT.
Hence, the conversation.
Anyway, for EOY, I noticed an unusual trend for today's cosplay. Usually, most people cosplay those up and coming anime/manga, like Kuroshitsuji, Bleach, Naruto, Vocaloid, KHR, etc. Standard cosplay.
But for today, I noticed people bringing back those old anime/manga to cosplay. I saw Saiyuki (OMG! THE GIRL COSPLAYING GOKU IS DAMN CUTE!!!), Digimon, Pokemon, Ouran High, Beyblade, etc. =^^= Haha! I miss all those old ones!! XD Now the new beyblade series (which my baby cousin loves) is... Not as nice I guess... It's more showing for the sake of selling more merchandise...
Anyway, I bought some T-shirts for myself (I GOT ONE WITH HIBIRD'S PIC ALL OVER IT!!! SO CUTE!!!), a wallet for my mom, and the rest are a secret due to a couple of people who do read this blog... >.>
I also collected some of the brochures of wigs and contact lens. They are EPIC!! XD Some of the contact lens got star design, leopard prints (*laughing my head off at this one*), got GLOWING contact lens, and other really unique design. ^^ Apparently, when people want them, they order from this store and it's imported in bulk from Japan!
The wigs are... Really interesting. XD Part of me wish I can get a wig, then wear it to school, if I want a change in hairstyle or something... ^^" They come in a variety of really nice colours too. There is one called Smoking Blue Grey, which is actually a mix of blue, grey and black, and it is REALLY nice! XD
Haha! Inume's friend wanted to get a Cloud (FF7) pillow for Inume... She was like, "Don't you want cloud IN YOUR BED???" And I swear, I burst into laughter. Haha! It could be taken in sooo many ways *winks suggestively*
Then it evolved to "Don''t you want to lie on Cloud?", "Don't you want to sleep with him?", "Don't you want to sleep ON him??" XDDD And so on and so forth. I think having a sleep-addled mind causes more insanity than normal. ^^" Doesn't help when the people around me are also less than sane. Hahaha!
The more disturbing part is watching cross-dressers parade around in clothes that are... XDDD
Eh... Let's just say, if you want to cross-dress as a girl, PLZ ACT LIKE ONE. XDDD And then again... There are girls that cross-dress as guys (more common)... But there is one crazy girl that dressed up as Luffy... O.o And there was another girl... Who cosplayed as Tsunade from Naruto... And though she's more... fun-sized (as what those people call small, petite girls), her chest totally fitted her role... XDDD No wonder she cosplayed Tsunade... XD No one else could pulled that off... >.>
Anyway, there is also this one scene, where we were hanging around one of the booths (cause Inume's friends owned the booth for the day), when one of them looked up and commented, "Oh wow! I could totally see upskirt!" Of course, we looked up and realised on the second floor, there was one girl cosplaying in a really short dress, and the edge of the second floor ended right before us. So when she's leaning on the railings and we look up... ^.^ Haha!
And one of them kept looking! XD (It was a girl that was looking too... >.>) And when we wondered why, she just said "Because I keep seeing her flashing out of the corner of my eye!" XD
It was an awesome day. Haha! Of course, I didn't even study at all, because I was out the whole day... !!! Need to choing Anatomy on Monday already... XDD
Oh well. It was definitely worth it. Whoo!
Saturday, December 11, 2010 11:08 pm
Tmr going EOY.
Life is good!!! =DDD
And today, we ate crayfish, crab, octopus, jellyfish, squid, etc. at a seafood restaurant for my mom's birthday! Whoo!!!
Oh man!! XD I'm so gonna need to find time to study Anatomy... Otherwise, no matter how easy the paper, I sure die... XDDD
And on Tues, BMS(N) is buying KOI BUBBLE TEA!!! FOR ME!!! I am looking forward to next week already.
Thursday, December 09, 2010 10:08 pm
I'm not so sure about the spelling and I sort of forgot how it originally sounded like. So pardon the name.
Basically, since BMS(E) requests that I put this up:
Everyone want to go to Lébanor.
It's some really weird dream I had. I don't know much details (it's a dream for crying out loud), all I do know was that I had to go to Lébanor. It was that time again. Time to go there. Apparently, it's supposed to be really secret place, and there were some agents that were tailing us to follow us to Lébanor and we had to outwit them or lose them somehow.
How do you know if you are supposed to go to Lébanor? Simple. You just feel it. Like how those migrating animals just know where to go, we also just know where to go and how to get there. It's like some really huge urge that just hits you. If you are supposed to go there, you will know it.
As for those agents, they want to know where it is, but they are not supposed to go there, that's why they do not know how to get there... (Am I making sense anymore???)
So anyway, we had to travel by some alleys that look like those old flats from WWII and there were agents surrounding us. My partner and I had to resort to odd tricks to escape from them. I remember jumping out a window to a tree and from the tree to a building, like some ninja, just to get away from the agents.
I didn't know why I can't let them know where Lébanor is. All I know is that they must not know. And the closer I get, the more agents I see, as well as the more migratory people like me I see. Eventually, my partner and I had to separate as it was getting impossible to travel there together without being captured by the agents.
And after we separated, one moment I was running, the next moment, I had to wake up. >.< Hm... I wonder... What would have happened if I had reached Lébanor? What would I see? Who else would be there? What is so special about that place that we had to be there? That it has to call us there? Why were we chosen to be there? Hm... If my writing skills allow me... Maybe one day, (which probably means never) I would write about it... XDDD
Wednesday, December 08, 2010 11:47 pm
Whee! Choir has always been a lovely destressing time for me. Everyone is soo silly and funny there! XD And though we do take our singing quite seriously, there is always room for dramatics in our little ministry. ^_^
And nothing beats stress like singing my lungs out too. XD Worth every stomach muscle cramp I'm gonna get too. ^^" Haha! I'm glad I got to see BMS(I) and BMS(J) today too. And BMS(E) and BMS(JY), etc. ^_^ Although, can't exactly say the same for Chinese... *glares at my work* I wish it would spontaneously explode... But I'd regret it within 24 hrs... Ah well... =/
Anyway, onwards to random quizzes that need absolutely no brain power (ain't that lovely)
Me in ABCsA - AVAILABLE: Online and on call. =^^=
B - BIRTHDAY: 18 June
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: My odd mix of vegetable/fruits/seeds smoothies... XD
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: My brothers, BMS(I), BMS(E), Fran, M
F - FAVORITE SONG: As of the moment? 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite
G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: Neither... Unless they're sugar-coated. Then both!
H - HOMETOWN: Singapore
I - IN LOVE WITH: Many things
J - JUGGLE: Can't. Have you ever seen my "awesome" ability to multitask? =/
K - KILLED SOMEONE: Mentally, yes. Some, a thousand times over in fact.
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE?: To Malaysia I guess?
M - MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: Not chocolate.
R - REASON TO SMILE: When something random interests me
S - SONG YOU LAST SANG: O Holy Night in Choir. =DDD
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 10... ish?
V - VEGETABLE(S): I don't mind most vegetables... XD Our family ain't picky with food... Much.
W - WORST HABIT: Procrastination, nibbling off my fingers...
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: My foot. Due to my lovely broken toe which is no longer broken. Whoo!
Y - YOYOS ARE: Nice. And round. But the best are the ones are emit bright lights when spinning... XD
Spell your name without vowels: JSSC
Your favorite number: 4, 8, 5, 48, 3, 24, 7, etc.
What color do you wear most?: ... Depends on whatever I pull out of my closet...
Least favorite colors?: Pink. Shocking pink. Bright pink. Green. Blue. (Unless they are extremely light or extremely dark)
What are you listening to?: I am listening to the sound of silence. ~_^
Are you happy with your life right now?: Sorta.
What is your favorite class in school?: In... 1 year's time, INTRO: CREATIVE WRITING!!!
Who is your best friend: Fran, M, BMS(I), BMS(E), the imaginary voice in my head
When do you start back at school/college?: NEXT YEAR.
Are you outgoing?: Am I? Depends on whoever you ask. Most would say I'm friendly enough. =D
Favorite pair of shoes?: My red checkered sneakers with silver streaks! =DD I just don't wear them often cause I'm lazy to wear socks... =/
Can you dance?: No. Tried to. But failed. Badly.
Can you sing?: I suppose? Not confident about it though... ^^"
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: ... Is it even possible? (Don't answer...)
Can you whistle?: How loud? ~_^
Cross your eyes?: Yup. Was the easiest way to make my brothers laugh when we were kids. XD
Walk with your toes curled?: Eh... Can't curl my right big toe properly anymore... =(((
Do you believe in miracles?: Yes
Do you believe in magic?: NO. TAKE THAT BMS(E)!
Love at first sight?: Love... Takes time. I believe in crushes but not really love.
Do you believe in Satan?: Yea
Do you believe in Santa?: No.
Do you know how to swim?: *nods* ^-^
Do you like roller coasters?: Hell YEA!
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: No. =.=
Have you ever been on a plane?: Lost count of how many times... ^^"
Have you ever asked someone out?: ... Never dared to, actually.
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: A couple... ^^"
Have you ever been to the ocean?: Yup.
What is the temperature outside?: COLD
What radio station do you listen to?: None
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Forgot. Dude! I have better uses for my memory... *glares at work again*
What was the last thing you bought?: Bubble tea? At can B...
What was the last thing on TV you watched: ... I forgot too...
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: Can't remember.
Who did you last webcam with?: A random stranger actually... And I never want to repeat that incident again... X(
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: My bro. =^^=
Ever really cried your heart out?: Yup.
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yup.
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: No
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: Yes. (such a waste of tears...)
Do you cry when you get an injury?: HAHA no, I laugh rather
Do certain songs make you cry?: Not really...
Are you a happy person?: Most of the time... I'm a dramatic person too. =D
What is your current hair color?: Black
What shirt are you wearing?: One with the TEN commandments on it. ~_^
Pants?: MJC PE FBT shorts... It's FREAKIN' SHORT! And I'll never wear it in public ever...
Shoes?: Noone
Necklaces?: Noone
Underwear?: =.=
Favorite eye color: Blue. Definitely blue.
Height: Taller than me
Been to jail: Nope.
Mooned someone: O.o HELL NO.
Laughed so hard you cried: Eh... Once or twice I think...
Cried in school: Only in JC. I was that stressed. =/
Wanted to be a model: No...
Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: All the time...
Seen a dead body: Dead animals' bodies... Yes.
Been on drugs: Nope.
Gone skinny dipping: NO!
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi! Twist.
Single or Group Dates: Don't really care.
chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Strawberries or Blueberries: Either. =/
Meat or Veggies: Meat!!!
TV or Movie: Movies I guess...
Guitar or Drums: Guitar... XD I wanna learn over the hols!
Adidas or Nike: Either? I don't really care about the brand actually...
Chinese or Mexican: Chinese? Dunno but Mexican food...
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Corn flakes.
Name one random thing about myself: ?_?
Monday, December 06, 2010 11:56 pm
I refuse to fall. I refuse to fall. I REFUSE TO FALL DAMMIT!
Side-tracking, my chinese is (hopefully) improving... X( BMS(I) says that I'm improving... albeit slowly... Zzz. I wish I could progress faster... ARGH!
Sigh. There has been a lot of things bothering my mind in the recent times... Namely a certain male... Chinese, singing and learning guitar, CHINESE, and the boy. Wow. I am such a deep person.
Zzz... Doesn't help that he's really friendly (and very cute). Seriously... I think whoever has him as a boyfriend/husband is damn lucky. Heck! Even my mom says so. Fyi, my brothers and my mom knows him cause he tends to hang around with us for breakfast almost every other sunday. When he's not busy that is.
Sigh. I don't want to hope when I know there is no hope... He ain't looking for a relationship now and when he graduates, I'll be over in China. Yay. Sometimes, I really hate my heart.
And it doesn't help that those few who knows think that it's possible that we'll work out. I seriously doubt it would. Sides... I don't know him that well yet... Zzz. I've only known him for... About half a year? Zzz. But seriously... He's an easy guy to fall for... I kid you not. He is really cute... XD Not just in looks but in character too. If I were to give him a colour... From what I know of him, he's a definite yellow. XD But I also know there is an underlying blue in him... Zzz. My two weakest colours...
I realised I tend to fall for guys that are either bright green or yellow. But the ones that really want to have a long-term relationship, be it as a friend or more, are blue.
Sam is blue, Inume is blue. Heck, my mom is blue. XDDD The 3 most lovely people in my life. And Zack is green/yellow.
I always joked with my brothers that if they ever fuse together, they would be the most ideal person I'd fall for. But I always doubt such a crazy person existed. Apparently, he does. =.= ACKKK. Bad time. Bad time.
I gotta focus... FOCUS... CHINESE... RAWR... ;_; Somehow... The thought of him is sooo much more appealing than my *ugh* notes... And yet, so much more painful. Zzz. I think my life is eventful enough without all my emotional dramas. Zzz... And yet... They never really do fade... And they do strike back with a vengeance sometimes too. SIGH.
Ways to De-stress
Thursday, December 02, 2010 11:48 pm
1. What is your first name?: Jessica
2. Do you enjoy drama?: Depends on my mood. Most of the time, no.
3. Are you a girly girl?: Depends...
4. Who was the last person you hugged?: My bro! ^-^
5. Small or large purses?: Eh... Depends on how many things I want to store inside...
6. Are you short?: I'm average.
7. Do you like somebody: Secret. ~_^
8. What would you do if someone smacked your butt?: Cut something... Preferably the person's hand
9. Do you care if your socks are dirty?: Yes.
10. Do you dress up on Halloween?: No
11. Are you double jointed?: No (I wish!)
12. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?: On top a table... There was no space on the floor.
13. Has anyone touched/smacked your butt in the past 24 hours?: No (Thank God)
15. Do you call anybody by their last name?: No
16. How many guys will read this just because it says “Girl Confessions”?: ... None?
“X” Marks the Spot:
[x] I do wear make up (for choir)
[] I have cried at a movie theater.
[] I can put mascara on without opening my mouth.
[x] I get jealous.
[x] I think Johnny Depp is sexy.
[x] I love to laugh.
[] I like death/grind/black metal.
[ ] I like rap.
[ x ] I like country
[ ] I carry a purse.
[x] I’d be lost without my computer.
[ ] I own a Spice Girls CD.
[ ] I own a Britney Spears CD.
[ ] I own a boy band CD.
[ ] I get bored watching football.
[ ] I’ve never been called a spoiled brat.
[ ] Guys are confusing.
[ ] I’ve been called a bad influence.
[ ] I have/had a piercing other than my ears.
17. What color is the bra that you're wearing?: Why would you want to know? XD
18. Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?: Dark, mostly.
19. Are you currently frustrated with a boy?: Nope. Not currently at least.
20. Do you have a best friend(s)?: Yup!!! ♥♥♥
21. Have you ever had your heart broken? : Yes
22. Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?: No.
23. Do you like your life?: It'll be better after 3 weeks
24. Has one of your friends ever stolen a boyfriend from you?: Nope
25. Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on? : Don't remember. Doubt so...
26. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?: At the moment, they're even.
27. How long have you had Facebook?: Since... Uni...
28. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?: Yes... ^^" A girl asked me to...
29. What are your biggest fears?: Failure, loneliness, rejection, FAILURE. Falling.
30. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yes
31. Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?: Yes.
32. Do you believe in the saying “once a cheater, always a cheater"? : Generally... Unless the person can convince me he deserves a second chance...
33. Have you ever had a good feeling about something?: Not really...
34. Do you ever wish you were famous?: No.
35. Are you currently missing someone? Maybe...
This guy or that guy?
1) Punk/Goth or 2) Gangster : Punk. XD
Preppy or Cowboy?: Neither.
Face or Body?: Body
Sweet or Sexy?: A bit of both. =^^=
Well-educated or Dropout?: Doesn't matter to me... If he's a dropout though, he better be street smart...
Armani or Abercrombie?: I DUNNO. NEVER SAW EITHER.
City-slicker or Rural Guy?: City-slicker
Blue, Green, Grey, or Brown eyes?: BLUE
Contacts or Glasses?: Either is fine. XD
More Questions.
36. Eyeliner or Mascara?: Eh... Either?
37. Louis Vuitton or Dooney & Bourke?: Neither
38. Pumps or flats?: Flats, preferred.
39. Skirts or pants?: Pants
40. Socks or leggings?: Socks
41. Hoodies or jackets?: HOODIE!!! ♥♥♥
42. Heels or sneakers?: Sneakers
43. Straight or curly hair?: Straight
44. Hoop or dangling earrings?: Stud.
45. White or black?: Black?
46. Victoria’s Secret or Bath and Body Works?: ...
47. Smoothies or lattes?: Smoothies...
48. Diet or regular sodas?: Regular! SUGAR BABY!
49. Water or daiquiris?: Neither
50. Pearls or diamonds?: Either
51. Vintage or boho?: Neither
52. Mary-Kate or Ashley Olsen?: ... Mary-Kate?
53. Lindsay or Hilary?: Neither. They're both the same to me... ^^"
54. Ipod or cell phone?: Both?
55. Friends or family?: Family first.
56. Lip gloss or lip stick?: Lip gloss, preferred.
57. Manicure or pedicure?: ... If I must... Both...
58. Tiffany’s or Chanel?: Neither
59. Love or peace?: Love
60. Sunglasses or purses?: SUNGLASSES
In a girl or guy…
Funny or Serious?: Both at the right time.
Romantic or Daredevil?: Both?
Cute or Hot?: BOTH
Dark Eyes or Light Eyes?: Doesn't matter as long as it's BLUE!!!
Long Hair or Short Hair?: Short. Definitely.
Curly Hair or Straight Hair?: Straight preferred. Unless he looks real good with curly hair.
Clean-cut or Rough?: Clean
Good Dancer or Good Singer?: Singer preferably. Dancer is a bonus. (JUNSU!)
Basketball Player or Football Player?: FOOTBALL!!!
Jock or Rebel?: Neither
Smoker or Non-smoker?: Non-Smoker
Druggie or Clean?: Clean.
Has a Motorcycle or Has a Sports Car?: Either
Beard/Mustache or Clean-shaven?: Clean shaven.
Younger or Older?: Older
Player or Loyal?: Loyal.