Yesterday, I had my wire removed from my toe. It was not as painful as I thought... Until I took the first step on the ground that is. Today, it's still hurting... But somehow... Through the pain, I guess being around some friends just makes it worth the while.
Today, I went out with M. XD It's amazing how enjoyable the day becomes when you spent it with someone, even if it's to run around some unknown area to meet up with M's project clients. Haha! It's a very liberating feeling... To just hang out... Without that much of a purpose... I hang out with my mom sometimes... But it's a different feeling when you are with friends...
Then we went to watch a movie. XD The Losers! Haha! It's been out since mid-May and it's probably the last time it's showing... But I'm really glad I managed to watch it with M. Haha! It is a really amusing show too. I love Cougar~ He's so cool!!! Rawr.
Then after the movie, she treated me to dinner, since she probably would be too busy with all sorts of stuffs with properly celebrate my birthday with me. And she bought me a pair of headphones too~!! God knows she knows I like all these sorts of stuffs. XD
In the midst of it all, we chatted about our friends and interests. Haha! I think she's very curious about BMS(E and I). XD I swear. She doesn't need a boyfriend or a husband. What she wants is a slave or a house-husband that obeys her every command. XD Sadly, for now, I'm the sucker that listens to her. XD Haha! And she agrees that YX is an idiot. Hahaha!
Though now that I think back... She and I are very different. It's like... BMS(I) being J's best friend. Oh the horror. Yet, both of us seem to have some sort of peace agreement. Hahaha! She also gave me some advice on how to improve my stupid chinese. XD Man... I really miss having her around in my school or in my class. Though I think how she can give BMS(I) a run for his money when it comes to mind games... @_@ Dear God, help.
She... I don't miss her as much as I would miss F or YX... But... Somehow... When I'm around her... Only then do I realise how much I miss out when she stepped out of my life, even for a moment. But I guess... It's better this way. Both of us are very different, personality-wise. Yet... Part of us are also very similar... We are both stubborn to boot, for one. XD She wants me to give up hall life, cca life, etc. and just focus on studying... But... The reason why I went Uni is more than just for a degree, so I don't think I can give it up just yet... Though if I can't stay in Hall 14, most likely, I'll give up hall life. No point, in my opinion. I'm too attached to the cheerleading team in Hall 14... If I can't stay in, I won't stay in cheerleading at all.
As for TCM... I sort of wish she's in the same course as me... Haha! I remember we used to compete for marks all the time... Maybe that's why I did relatively well for TMS. In MJC, I just drowned everything in studies. So no surprise about my grades.
But now that I'm in Uni... I realise I miss out quite a big part of life that I felt that I should have learnt before... Somewhere... And while it may be a little late to learn it... I still want to... So sorry, M. I cannot forsake everything for studies just yet...
And sorry M, it'll take a while to give up YX. It seems... Whenever my emotions are involved... I can no longer be as objective as I want to. Because no matter how much I tell myself otherwise... In the end, I'll only end up at the same conclusion. And PLZ stop trying to match-make me with random people from my class that I tell you about... =.= A teacher/lecturer you may be, a love guru you are NOT. XD But it was really fun to hang out with you... And I missed that. And I'm glad I got to see you again, after... 6 months... XD Oops? Haha!
It's the little things like these, just being in your presence, that somehow makes life seem a whole lot brighter.