Life's Life
Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:20 am
Yo! My O'levels are offically over! (A long time ago... Since I haven't posted in a while...) I went on my youth church camp, and boy! Was it life-changing! First of all, my brother, Samuel, went up to accept God. (Ole! Oh yay! Hooray! Yahoo! Yippee!) ^-^ And the Spirit of God filled the place. I was still trembling when I got home... (I was trembling for the entire day in fact...) So yeah... Camp was the greatest ever! Then I decided not to go for the EOY'06, and participate in a mission trip to Batam... I have a feeling this trip will be very cool... (God's miracles at work!) ^-^
I have already bought chirstmas gifts for my family... Though I still don't know what to get my bros... I never knew them that well... T-T (failure as a sister...) But my mom's birthday is coming up! Yay! Problem: I'm not in Singapore on that day... I'll be in Batam... *sigh* Sacrifices... Anyway, I somehow prepared everything so that she can still recieve her birthday blessings from me! ^-^
My dancing lessons are crap... Truthfully speaking... I totally lack any form of grace any dancer has... (wonderful...) So yeah... I'm a crap dancer... But hopefully I will buck up... (hopefully...) But nowadays, I am too busy to do much... The preparations to the Batam Mission Trip is very tiring and requires LONG hours of work... And we must master Indonesian by Friday... (To act... The Indonesians do not really understand English that well...) Isn't it great? *sarcastic* So yeah... At least I can hardly get bored now... Which is a good thing... (Now I have to learn to add in the stress factor for studies...) ^^" And I'm also a millionaire now... Cause of rupiahs... Apparently, S$170 = about 1 mil rupiahs... Haha! I plan to go carolling on the 22nd Dec as well... Definitely busy...
As for my JC, I got into TPJC. Should I be happy or sad? I much prefer MJC, but beggars can't be choosy...