Today I watched MIB3 with Shell. XD
It was a really nice show. Though somehow, it doesn't match up to the first one... And I suppose, it never will. That being said, the movie has its moments.
And as usual, we would end our outing by discussing my future. XD Or at least, I would tell Shell my plans for the future, and she would give me advice.
And well... She told me to just go for the license exam. (Ugh... 400 hours of hell.) For all I know, things could have improved by the time we come back from Beijing. Besides, having a medical license in TCM makes an interesting point for when I do go for interviews in the future.
Basically, it's a good contingency plan.
And well... I can't argue with her logic. Since I'm already in it for 5 years, what's a few more months? And after that, I can do whatever I want.
Though I realise the downside of being in the science stream for so long, is that you don't learn much of any other thing else, except science.
So yeah... It ain't easy. She also told me, if I want to travel, I should try working in some regional division of a company, or work in the Marketing Research area. The latter just need a basic degree and the rest is learned on the way. Hm... Sounds tempting.
But whatever I want, I have to first brush up my people skill. Since talking to people is a necessity in any kind of job, unless I wanna be a hermit, I have to learn it somehow.
Oh yeah... MR told Shell to tell me that if I want to be friends with Sweetie, I have her "go ahead". -_- I mean... Seriously. Who treats their friend like that...! It almost feel like Sweetie is some kind of plushie, to be thrown away when she's not needed. And MR dare to complain she has no close friends in class. With the way she treats her friends...
Just because they cannot be around you 24/7 and be at your beck and call doesn't mean that they are not close friends! Zzz. Like that, Kyoya and I must be enemies already. -_-
And she told Shell that she's not a possessive person nor is she a clingy person. I'm sorry. Truth is, you are. Deal with it.
She also complained that she never go out with her friends in Uni. Well, my dear, if you don't ask them out, of course they won't go out with you. They can't read your mind, nor your intentions. Zzz. Oh well. Since she doesn't seem to care that I want to befriend Sweetie, it's her loss then. In my opinion, Sweetie is a friend worth keeping too.
I mean, she and I probably won't be as close as Kyoya and I, but her friendship would be worth something to me, and I personally hope it would mean something to her too. ^^" The "feeling" I get from her is that, if I do befriend her, I would just be one of her friends. Nothing more, nothing less. There's always a part of me that always hope for more, but I guess, I'll take what I can get, and see where it goes from there.
For all I know, one day, I can be someone she can trust. XD Cross my fingers.
Haha! Oh yes! Shell told me that most of her current Uni "friends" are, more often than not, marriages of convenience. They are of "use" to her, so she befriends them. XD In this sense, I'm kinda glad I met her in secondary school. Shell may be like that now, but her loyalty can rival that of a dog. ^^" So yeah. Now, I'm kinda glad I'm friends with her now.
Our friendship is rather slow-growing. (Bear in mind, this is from my own point of view) Both of us were in the same clique in secondary school. But I can't say I'm close to her. Even in JC, she's not close to me at all. But her loyalty and friendship to me is unwavering and I suppose, now, I can truly say she's a really good friend. And I'm glad I have her.
Haha! Shell's hard-headed and doesn't open herself easily. Neither am I, for that matter. So I guess, it was better for both of us that the walls between us is slowly broken. We both needed time to grow close. XD Especially me.
Hehe. All in all, today is a good day. =)