Yorokobi no Uta
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 1:55 am
Aishiteru, Aishiteru
Kimi ga iru subarashi sugiru
Aishiteru, Aishiteru
Yes Lord, your existence makes everything wonderful!! (I know the song ain't Christian, but lemme improvise. ~_^) I just received the most amazing email from my dear tutor. Apparently he decided to speak up for me and told the other prof (HAHA!) that he'll email my marks to him. YES!!! WHOO!!!!!!!
Dear God,
Thank you for making everything better, as I leave them in your hands. I really don't know what to do. I was upset, angry, etc. But you found a way to calm me down, (YX has that effect on me.. ^^) to make me forget (CHINESE!! What a way to forget) and just when I was about to despair, you gave me a miracle and a new hope. Thank you so much!!! I really don't believe it!! It's like in Sam's life. When he gave up everything to you, and let you decide, you pulled him through.
Haha! I'm tired. I'm stressed. But for some reason, I'm really happy today. Frustrations aside, I managed to spend most of my afternoon with YX (albeit I was bothering him a little... >.<). I managed to meet up with my dear BMS gang (Mainly BMS(I&E)). We watched a chinese comedy show together too! And for what it's worth, I believe I accomplished quite a bit today. ^_^ You gave me strength to do this, you gave me everything I need today. Thank you for your living bread and water, by which I cannot survive without. I'm glad you are with me, every step of my way, through my tears and my laughter. You are the reason I can laugh without a care in the world. Because all my burdens will be surrendered to you. And I will take yours, for your yoke is light. Once more, thank you. For everything.