Sunday, April 03, 2011 2:24 pm
Zzz. I hate it when things at the back of my mind start seeping in to the front of my head.
But then again, I suppose it's an issue I should have dealt with a while ago. I just kept ignoring the signs. I didn't want to deal with it, after all. With all my tests and such, I already barely have enough focus to keep going, without all these distractions.
Zzz. But since it has decided to crop up at this "appropriate" moment, and refuse to leave my head until I have dealt with it, I guess I better find a solution. And fast. My test is on Thursday and I need all the time to study. Zzz.
And I have spent the better half of this morning figuring out where you stand in my life. Sigh... The dumbest part about me, I suppose, is that I get attached to people too easily. First Yuki (Fran), then SL (who has since became an ex-friend), then Shell (for a lack of a better alias), and now Kyoya.
I guess the hardest part was the fact that Kyoya is MALE. =/ Then again, Yuki's female and I had similar feelings of her. But that was in Secondary School when I came to that realisation. I had more time to figure out what it was. This time, it's a crash course.
And since Kyoya is a guy, I guess the feelings are a little more complicated in a sense. -_- I blame the fact that I'm female. After all, when you tell a girl that you like her a lot, it's pretty easy to understand, cause there's not much ways a girl can like another girl, unless you really swing that way.
For a guy, it's a little harder to figure out which "like" is it. As a friend, as a brother, as a potential lover, as God-knows-what, etc. Doesn't help that Kyoya is the first guy I've ever considered part of my "pack", so to speak.
Zzz... I hate my brain sometimes.