My week at camp was fun!! Whee~ I love the freshies! They are really awesome~♥ Haha! Though BMS(I) says I act a lot like a freshie. XD Oops? Haha! But personally... I don't see it... =/ I mean... Technically, the only difference to me between a freshie and a senior is that a senior is older. And more knowledgeable... But I'm the blur sort, so... ^^" But all things considered, I really tried my best to look after the freshies as well as I knew how. It's... Well... I guess I'm still not really as good as people as the others... X( Zzz... I guess I really need to work on my communication... Anyway, back to camp:
The first day was really fun! We had day games and night games all around NTU. And there is SP pairing as well. XD It was also this day that I fell sick. X( Zzz. I guess friday's swimming got to me after all. XD I guess what stood out for that day for me was actually the SP pairing. Of course, no sec sch or JC will have such a crazy thing, and it was the first time I'm actually seeing it. Sadly, I'm not allowed to participate in it, as there is too many girls and too little guys. Though I really wonder what it is like to be blindfolded, paired off with some random stranger and be bothered by people with squeaky high voices. XD Though I found about the first and last one from Initiation. XD
Watching the whole thing is quite chaotic though. i really had no idea what to do or what to say. And by then, my throat was giving me quite a bit of problem and I can't quite manage the fake squeaky high voices the others were using. Though BMS(I) end up having an SP pairing and it was so amusing to watch him attempting to talk to the poor freshie. Hahaha! I think he'll have more lucky talking to a brick wall. XD She was sooo scared! Haha! Finally, we were allowed to go to the chalet to sleep. Though I didn't have much sleep. X( I guess being with unknown people for the first time tend to make me more alert and less sleepy... X( Though I paid for it on Tues.
The next day (Tuesday), my sickness got worse. X( Really... When I close my eyes, I swore, the world was spinning. But it was supposed to be quite a fun day, so I just bore with it and tried my best to play as well. XD When the freshies were playing Cluedo, us seniors were told to go fill the water bombs for the wet games later. I filled the water bombs with BMS(I), Naf and some others. Now I know why BMS(I) likes Naf so much. She is really funny! And I only just realised yesterday the guy most of the others were teasing is the BS club president. XD OMG. I never even knew who he is. Haha! Throughout the camp, I only recognise him by his smile. XD He has a really nice smile. Haha!
When the wet games came though, I felt a little nauseous from all the spinning in my head, and by then, my head really felt quite heavy. I don't know if I had a fever, though I felt quite cold. X( Anyway, I spent most of the wet games time sleeping. Since I wasn't allowed (by BMS(I)) to help him, and i really doubt playing wet games would help my head, so I just sat by the bags and slept. By the end of wet games, I definitely felt better. XD I guess the illness got worse due to a lack of rest... >.> Oops.
After the wet games, we had Fright Night. XD I wanted to go... But same as SP, there is not enough guys so.. =/ Sigh. Anyway, I still had to go there anyway as I have to entertain the freshies that are waiting for their turn. XD OMG. I was sooo bored!! And I didn't really know how to talk to the freshies as well... =( Though I enjoyed listening to some of the freshies' ghost stories. XD I guess the best thing about the fright night was that I got to listen to quite a bit of stories. XD
By around 2+ am, some guy Z, came to sent another girl and me back to the chalet. I went back on orders of BMS(I). XD And of course, blur little me didn't know he was the chairperson of the FOC until the last day again. XD I only knew he is a really nice guy and he has really awesome specs. It's SILVER!! *coughandniceeyescough* Anyway, after I went back to wash up, I was knocked out until the next day. Looks like when I was really tired after all. Though I really didn't feel tired... Haha!
On the 3rd day, God raised me from the dead. XD Joking. But I definitely felt better after sleeping. That day was mostly beach games. Whoo~ And of course, where there's the beach, there are topless guys. Whoo! Of course, I had my feast of eye candies. XD The nicest are those from Robin. All the guys were "nice" enough to walk around without a shirt. ~_^ Sadly, Dark Knights were more... conservative. Though after some games, a few of the guys went topless too. =^^= Sorry. I'm still female. XD
After the beach games, we had our Initation. XD Though, technically, seniors need not participate. But I was curious and I have never been initiated before anyway. So I thought why not? XD It was actually quite funny. Hearing the programmers talk in those funny voices make me smile for no apparent reason. Haha! First, I went down a very slippery slide. And I screamed. XD Hey! I was scared. And I was fast. ^^" And I couldn't see. I was blindfolded.
After that, I had sauce and God-knows-what dumped over me; I crawled through food among other things; and I took a dip in some vegetable-infested pool. All in all, it was a very amusing experience. XD If I got enough shirts to throw, I don't mind going again. XD And I bet all the seniors think I'm nuts. I probably am. =/ Oh well.
The fourth day was mainly Amazing Race and SP night. ^^ Hm... I think everyone was suffering from a lack of sleep... Cause BMS(I) was quite mean on this day... And usually I have an idea if I did something wrong.. But this time... I have none... Zzz... I think... I made some comments... As in... They were just comments... They were not meant to be read in any way and I was just teasing... So... BMS(I), if I offended you in any way during camp, I'm sorry... I really didn't mean to upset you. Zzz... I guess... You seemed moody... (sort of expected... Seeing as you didn't have much sleep or caffeine) and I wanted to try to cheer you up... Only to have it backfire on me I guess... X(
Anyway, the Amazing Race was amazingly tiring. And I was glad it's over. XD Never liked running round for no good reason... Later that night was SP night. XD It was very entertaining, watching those guys and girls walk up; some shy, some very interesting, some fun. Haha! And the most amusing part of the night was that there was two rows of candles to outline some form of a catwalk. However, quite a number of SP pairs keep kicking over the candles! XD Guess they are eyeballing each other too much to notice little glowing bowls below their feet. Hahaha!
And the GLs put up a dance performance as well! Whoo~! For the dance, I agree with BMS(I). BX is super sexy. ~_^ Haha! And for the guys, JW is the funniest! He really look like a chicken flapping its wing! Hahahahaha! The best was the ending, where BMS(E) pulled off a breakdance move. Whoo~! I think it's called the windmill or something like that. XD It is really nice! Though he failed the second time, he did alright for the third one. Haha! Apparently, the GLs did so well, they had a few encores! XD And we went to ADM to celebrate ZQN's birthday. Though we first went to the top of ADM, after a while we went into the building itself as it was quite warm. XD And J thought the pool was the ground and ran into it. XD Oh well... It was dark. And the pool water was very still. Haha! It was still funny though. XD
Then we had some HTHT, and played Shoot, Shag, Marry. But instead of shoot, we had bf/gf. After all, we would all shoot our beloved cockroach (JW). XD Actually, we didn't want to sleep, but in the end, we did. After all, we still had games ahead the next day... Haha! I was so tired, I didn't even realise I placed my glasses on the ground until I couldn't find it... Then CM told me they placed it on the table cause they scared they step on it. ^^" Oops?
On the last day, I spent the day writing on the cards to the freshies. For once in my life, I actually have things to write about to others. XD Usually, I'm bad with cards cause I have no idea what to write on it. ^^" But this time... I think I wrote the most. ^^" For some of the cards at least. Then we played Street Fighter, which is not very interesting to me, so I shall no go into details. The finale was some water game, which was quite fun. XD The guys tossed Ei and Ev, much like the catch for basket-toss for cheerleading. Except there were a lot more guys tossing. XD Haha! When I saw them I really wished I was the one being tossed as well... Zzz... I guess I miss cheerleading more than I'm willing to admit. =/
And I got drenched as well... Apparently, the freshies decided I was too dry. Not my fault I happen to suck at making friends so no one really bothered to attack me, except SH, who chased me around the field cause I bombed her with water bombs. XD
After that, we changed into whatever we had left, had prize-giving and went home. THANK GOD. I was half-dead from tiredness already. XD When I went home, I literally ate, bathed and slept for about 12 hours straight. ^^" And I didn't even wake up when my parents and my brothers came in. XD Looks like I really was dead tired...
I'll continue about today some other time... It's past midnight and I'm still tired. AND I HAVE TO WAKE UP EARLY TMR!! ZZZ! Sigh. Night all!