Oh yeah~
Today's really interesting, but tiring. Since I'm moving house by the end of the month, I have to settle all the mundane stuffs. Haha! My toilet OWNS all the other toilets in the house!! I have good taste. ~_^ Haha! My brothers and I were practicing sign language on our own. Haha! Apparently, their friend, D, knows sign language really well. So he was teaching them to us. ^-^ HE KNOWS HOW TO SIGN THE WHOLE OF "LOVE STORY"!!! I WANT TO LEARN~~~!!!
Anyway, today's prayer meeting is totally AWESOME. *signs 'awesome'* First song of the day: Happy Day. Aw man~ Everyone just went high on the first song. XD Sam and Zac already can speak in tongues... I'm so jealous~~~
I prayed for the gift of tongues too... But I guess I need to learn to open my heart first, before I can ever learn any of these gifts...
Before the prayer meeting, though, I had choir. I went in tired, and came out quite refreshed. I'm not too sure how to explain it... But God was there... Regardless of what anyone will say, God was there. I could feel Him.
THEN, my brothers ditch me... T-T they had their own dinner plans... Those FOOLS!!! Anyway, I had dinner with D instead. Then we had ice-cream~~ Whee!!
D's a really interesting guy. He's 18, but he's just... odd, to me. Eccentric's good though. And apparently, D has the same impression as the guys in my class: I ain't no normal girl. XP
There was this episode where I tried to take D's ice-cream, but failed utterly. So just to tease me, he offered me this half-eaten chocolate-sauced ice-cream. I happily scooped up the ice-cream with my finger and ate the chocolate sauce. D's stunned expression was priceless. Apparently, to him, normal girls would scream/scold/etc. at him and say that it was disgusting... Then he paused. And said that he forgot I'm not a normal girl. My expression: WTH?! XD
Anyway, back to the prayer meeting, I actually went up to the altar to be prayed for to receive the gift of tongues... Cause my bro was making a really creepy face at me... He was grinning like the Cheshire Cat... But I guess I was kinda scared... XP But I'm glad that I have really cool friends like A and J, who came up to the altar with me just to give me support... So here's a shout out for them, specially: THANKS A LOT YOU GUYS!!! THIS DAMSEL IN DISTRESS WAS REALLY GLAD YOU GUYS CAME TO SUPPORT ME~~~
And the issue regarding YX... I think... I'll just be friends with him... And silence the part of me that wants more for now... I could, I should, I will... *sigh* I'm gonna need distracting while I start murdering parts of myself... =.= INUME IS COMING OVER NTU~~~ I love that girl... *-* She has the best timing in the world. That or God seems to predict my state of moods better than me... (duh... He's God)
Anyway, it's late. I'M TIRED. And I'm gonna sleep~~