Hey all. Today in church, I once again felt the presence of God.
(It felt like royalty... Duh... God is King ain't He?)I've been trying to have a constant daily devotion with God
(Yes. I even made the online link as my homepage so I won't forget...) and although the timings' are kinda irregular, the basic point is: I actually spending time with God everyday, albeit for a short amount of time...
However, I think that even that small bit of effort is worth all the while. Now, I can focus on God easier, and that I can "be still and know He is the Lord" much quicker than before. Originally, it takes a while cause my mind wanders...
(And wanders it does... often.)I'm glad. This kinda mean that I am drawing closer to God, slowly but surely.
^-^ Looks like my new year's resolution is not gone after all.
Now it's a rather nerve-wrecking time for me. I need to move to a hostel, and got to buy stuffs there... Cause the stuffs in my home aren't enough...
(My dad suggested buying a fridge! And to send my maid over every week to clean it! Zzz... Might as well ask for a bellboy while he's at it... -_-") Dude! It ain't my first time staying in a hostel! I can look after myself!
(Isn't that the point of getting a hostel in the first place...?)Then I have to get electives... I thought maybe I can get through all my required amount of AUs from electives within Sem 1, however, I was warned that I may not get the electives I hope to get, as the electives changes and it's subjective to the different semesters. And it's on a first-come-first-serve basis. ZZZ!!! And I have to get used to school again...
Next comes my spiritual walk. I want to serve in the praise and worship ministry in my church, however... Zzz... I dunno!!! I was told to try out the choir first to learn the techniques, then join as a backup singer
(which is what I want...) Then someone else told me I can join directly, as those singers in the friday cell meetings also don't have experience in singing.
@_@ I'm a little lost...
(A little is an understatement...) There is too many things going on at the same time, and they are all big decisions that I have to make.
(Big to me at least...)While I know that God is supposed to have control of my life,
(and I do give him control...) but I at least want to know what's gonna happen to my life at this uncertain point. And I really dislike not knowing... But then again, God will only let me know in His time...
(Dear God, I wish you really would hurry up...) *sigh...* All part of growth I guess... Still doesn't stop me from antagonizing over them...
Then there is a programme called "Defining Moments" in my church that I really want to invite people to come... It's gonna be real fun! There's 2 really wonderful speakers
*coughclownscough* among the others and I have a feeling it is gonna be one heck of a programme!
=^^= 'Sides, there is talk of a revival going on in my church. I have no idea what is a revival; how it's supposed to happen; what it does; etc, but for the heck of it
(since it does involve God...) I'm going in!