Since I am in no more mood to study... I shall write some rubbish here. XD
Many people occupied my thoughts during this week long study period. People I miss.
First, is Yuki. She's been on my mind for quite a while. I just never blog about her. Sigh... And it's been almost a year since I last saw her... ;_; Yes, I'm suffering from withdrawal symptoms when she's not around. Especially, immediately after she leaves, and after a long while... And, of course, I go high whenever I see her. =^^=
So yeah... I miss her lots... Especially now, it's so near the holidays and I can't wait to see her again! ^-^
The next person I miss is a no-brainer. Kyoya. I actually miss watching him and hearing him talk. ^^" But at least now's not so bad. The first few days of the week, the Kyoya withdrawal symptoms were stronger. Eh... Before it got overtaken by the Yuki withdrawal symptoms...
(Why do I keep making my friends sound like drugs...?) =/
I don't miss Inume that much... Probably cause I see her almost every month... And when I miss her, either she'll come over my place (yes, she's that free now) or I go over her place (when I'm free). Although I suffer from withdrawal symptoms when she's gone too...
Yuki's place... I've never been there before... >.> So I can't visit her... ;_;
Interestingly enough... The third person on my "Miss" list... Is someone I rather not say... I'm actually quite surprise he's on my "Miss" list... I can't say I know him, yet can't say I don't... Yet, I do want to know him better...
And although I don't really hang out with him that much, somehow... Yeah. I do miss him... If you can actually guess who he is, kudos to you. UGH. I've barely just figured out my feelings for one person... I don't need another one to complicate stuff!! UGH.
Luckily for me... for the third person... I don't miss him as much as the others... If I do... God help me...
Anyway, with that, I have to go back to studying... Even though nothing's going to my head anymore... ;_;