I think I have officially shocked half of my class by my attire today... XD
Am I awesome? Or am I awesome? ~_^
Anyway, due to a request by D, I agreed to... dress up a little, since today's officially the last day of school.
I basically wore what I wore for CNY, with a little more stylish stuff, like a handbag and earrings. And I have to admit, the reactions, especially from the girls, are quite priceless. I guess it's because most of the class only see me in two things. T-shirt and jeans. So yeah... The dress had them floored.
And I know I look good in them too. ~_^
Haha! MR's expression was the best in our class. She stared at me with open eyes, grabbed me and turned me around, as if to confirm I'm actually wearing what I'm wearing. She was seriously stunned. XD
PH's reaction was the most classic. Haha! She was in disbelief, shock, hyperventilating, etc. Hahaha! It seems that I really don't dress up often... Seeing everyone around me react like that... ^^" And i even got a special request from my dear cell leader (courtesy of PH's eager sharing) to show her a picture (which PH took...).
Some of our seniors had decided (on their own) that I'm wearing like that for Kyoya and one even decided that we're to be married. -_- I love my school.
Of course, since it's D's request, I took pictures with her. J wanted me to model for her... !!! No way! I do not particularly want the day to be captured in black and white, thanks...
Then again... Considering that I already have photos of me taken... >.>
Haha! For once, I felt like a celebrity... ^^" Is it really that rare to see me dressed up in something feminine? (Don't answer)
Although I whined quite a bit (I believe), and kept edging away from *coughcrazycough* people, I'm really glad that my wonderful classmates gave me really positive feedback about my clothes... ^^" For one, it's one hell of a boost of my self-confidence. XD And it's interesting to note how many people noticed.
Of course, there are some wonderful sods that thought that I was a senior, or commented that I was going Geylang. And then, there are others who indirectly gave their compliments. =^^= All in all, it was a really epic day.
Notes to self:
Heels are a killer. Find something else to wear next time.
Do this again next year! 8DDD
Haha! And people do wonder why I would do it when a girl requests it, and not when a guy does. Simple. I like the girls' reactions better. ~_^ The guys... tend not to show whether they approve or not, so it's harder to gauge. Girls on the other hand... XD I love their reactions. Seriously.
Though I can tell some of the guys appreciated the change in view... I think... And I thought SK's comment was the cutest. XD
Anyway, it was fun while it lasted. BUT I'M STICKING TO MY JEANS AND T-SHIRTS. THANKS VERY MUCH.
Although, it'll be fun to pull this off again next year. Haha!
And to all those who comment that I look really nice and I should keep wearing like that, first of all, I only have 2 dresses. And I'll be even more shy to wear the other one... And if I wear it everyday, it'll lose the hype won't it? ~_^
Anyway, it was a fun day while it lasted. And now I'm tired... Yes, I know it's early, but when you're losing blood, yeah, you'll understand...