This week has been interesting, tiring, exciting, insane and just a whole bunch of adjectives added together...
The sem break lab sessions have been quite fun so far. HS is really cute and funny and it's always very interesting to watch her perform the Western Blotting and Cell Culture.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna be doing the Cell Culture hands-on! WhoO!!!
So far, the labs have been on everyday. But once HS leaves for her CNY break, we only need to go there on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, to ensure that the cells are still alive and to look after them. XD It's really like having a pet in lab.
And in between meeting Ivan for outings (cause I was feeling boxed in at home...), and going for my GRAND-uncle's (as my parents lovingly corrected) wedding, and meeting my cousins, etc... @_@ It's been hectic definitely. But fun too!
The wedding is... nice I suppose... To be on the meaner side... XD For the wedding photos, since they can't make my grand-uncle look younger, they made the wife look older... XDDD But that's just my opinion... ^^"
The food there was AWESOME. But I think the highlight of it all is seeing my brothers get high on alcohol. Really! The most random things exit their mouths when they're high/drunk. XDDD The best part? Watching them "dance" to "I've Gotta Feeling" by Black Eye Peas at the end of the wedding. XDDD Inume and I couldn't stop laughing!
Sigh... It's still hard talking to A and J as friends... Zzz... I'm still human, it seems. A part of me wishes I can just shut down my feelings... But I've been there, done that; and I have to say, it's better to feel than not feel at all... At least, that's for me...
Because after a while, when you have forgotten how to feel, you'll just begin a long lonely path to depression... For me.
Anyway... Right now... For now, I can at least convince myself to forget it... But it's harder to do such things when you are talking or around said person... SIGH.
I wanna read more horror stories... They help me forget better....