Today is starting off well. For one, I have hijacked my brother's external hard drive and am obtaining all sorts of games from there! Mwhahahaha!
Plants vs Zombies, DOTA, Assassin's Creed 2, etc. WHOO!!!
My life is getting happier and happier! ^-^
My mom told me I should tell A how I feel... Except that, I should try my best to say it in a light-hearted manner... XP One *small* problem... When it comes to such matters, I can't do light-hearted for NUTS!
Then my mom and I joked about how I could drink some alcohol, pretend to get drunk, confess, and pretend not to know anything the next day.
And if I said anything else or anything awkward, I can just blame the alcohol. Hahaha!
Sounds like a good idea, no? ~_^
Haha! Although I doubt I'll stand a chance... But Mom says people can change... And that I'm too young to be thinking so far into the future... -_- Thanks Mom.
Still... I dunno...
My school's timetable is already quite chaotic... And I have no idea how to maintain my grades and have a relationship at the same time... And I've got a bad feeling it will be my grades that suffer at the end... (If it isn't already suffering enough...)
Ah well... I suppose I could treat it like some "fyi..." thing... After all, I can't expect anything in return.
And now that my exams are over... Someone... I forgot who, asked about my GPA.
Honestly... I am quite scared... Cause I really did work damn hard this sem... But I'm really scared it isn't enough... Last sem, it wasn't enough... What about this sem???
I am really scared that my GPA will drop... IT'S ALREADY 2.9!! IF IT DROPS ANY LOWER I'M SCREWEDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!
I believe I did better this sem than last sem... But my worry is, is it enough? Is it enough for me to reach my target grade? Or higher? And I know I completely screwed up MicroBio, so I can't count on that one to save my soul... That leaves Physio... D888 I'm sooo dead...
And yet... Despite all of these... A part of me is really REALLY eager to find out my grade... Curse my curiosity... Sometimes I swear... It's better off killed... XD