Many Things...
These few days have been quite epic. XD And my mind is still trying to come to terms with most of them.
First off, choir. I suppose I never quite understood why I always felt empty when I go for prolonged periods of "no choir practice this month". As of the moment, I believe I have skipped choir for a month, and including this month, makes 2 months, and I'm already edgy.
And when I went for the choir gathering yesterday, it was really overwhelming for me, emotionally.
First of all, I didn't realise my choir member stayed in my old neighborhood. It was the one I had all my fondest memories of my childhood, and it was extremely nostalgic to be back there. I really didn't know to laugh or cry. (I opted for laughter...) And for a moment, I really wanted to rewind time. To relive all those moments I had.
But I know, as I had moved on, so had everyone. Everyone would be different from what I remember of them. The old playground has been changed about 2 times since I left too. The little tykes I remember would be in JC or Poly by now, and everything would have changed so much...
And I just want to remember them as they were before.
Anyway, the choir gathering was really fun. We kept sabo-ing all our leaders to sing. So it became like a mini live-karaoke session. And I got to mix around with the youths of the choir. And they're a really fun bunch. And for a moment, I forgot about the world. About lab. About school. About everything.
And it seems, it was exactly that that I was looking for these few weeks. Ooo. And one of my choir members makes THE most AWESOME carrot cake EVER! I loved the cheese and I couldn't get enough of it. XD Why are all the best chefs/bakers all guys?! Sigh.
Anyway, I was really glad I went for it. I realised that when I saw them, suddenly, it's as if a part of me isn't empty anymore. And I didn't know it was empty until it was filled. A really odd feeling indeed.
Also, I went for service today and I just wanna get some ramblings off my chest, so sorry if they don't particularly make sense.
Somehow, when I was reading the passage, I was struck by a whole variety of thoughts.
That in the end, we're all trying so hard to be like Martha, when all God wants is for us to be like Mary. We're trying to do everything so well, make everything so perfect, scrutinize all those micro details, etc. and then claim we know God. When all God wants for us, is to listen. And obey.
And all you Pharisees, making up all those stupid laws and traditions for people to follow, thinking you are better than the rest, because you scrutinize the law of Moses and follow it to the letter. And then you claim that you know God best.
Hello. You foolish idiots couldn't even comprehend the people under your supposed care. And God is inifinite in his years of experience and knowledge. And you, a measly human, barely a century, dare to claim you know God? What suckers.
And when God himself came down as Man, you scorn upon him, saying he's a liar and cursed and etc. Why? Because he shattered your pathetic, fragile pride. Saying you know God. Wait a couple more centuries and I'll still doubt you'll have the capability to do anything like knowing God.
Anyway, the pastor shared a passage that sent me into laughter: John 9:24-30
The context of the story is that Jesus healed a blind man and the Pharisees, aka Jews, were interrogating him.
[Jews] to [No-Longer-Blind Man]: Give God the glory! We know that [Jesus] is a sinner.[No-Longer-Blind Man]: Whether He is a sinner or not, I do not know. One thing I know, that though I was blind, now I see.[Jews]: What did He do to you? How did He open your eyes?[No-Longer-Blind Man]: I told you already, and you did not listen. Why do you want to heat it again? Do you also want to become His disciples?[Jews]: YOU are His disciple, but WE are Moses' disciples. We know that God spoke to Moses; as for this fellow, we do not know where He is from.[No-Longer-Blind Man]: Why, this is a marvelous thing, that you do not know where He is from; yet he has opened my eyes! ...OMG. I applaud that guy. He was so sarcastic towards the Jews. I couldn't stop laughing when I was reading this. In those times, the Jews were like... The Mayors or the MPs, while the man was like... someone from a single-room flat. XD
Oh well. Those with noses too high in the air are bound to trip over their own feet.
Last of all, Cosfest. They have certainly expanded from when I first went to Cosfest. Btw, some random reporter from My Paper interviewed me, so please refrain from buying that paper for a while.
Anyway, that event has certainly grown... Though the cosplaying standards seem to have dropped...
The costumes are nice and all, but they aren't all there is to cosplay. And for some reason, most of the cosplayers I see don't quite seem to get that... Figure and looks are equally important too. (There's a reason why I don't cosplay...) For goodness' sake, if you look ugly as hell, no amount of costumes or make-up is gonna cover that... Especially if the character you're cosplaying is supposed to be very beautiful.
Not to say they're all bad. There are some really cute ones. And nowadays, there are more guys cosplaying too (maybe it's because more of them are working out and are more confident in their bodies... Seeing their costumes are sort of revealing)
And of course, the best female way to capture the lens of a camera. Wrap bandages around your chest, wear some long flowy pants, carry a fake sword and pose. All the male photographers will fall for it hook, line and sinker.
Another way is, to dress in a tight lolita dress or wear leather and look damn badass. It definitely captures attention too.
Ah. I think I've been hanging around Kyoya for too long. I'm becoming too cynical. XD