Brain Dead
Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:30 am
Yo! Sorry for not posting for so long! Got so much things to do! (Can die...) Chinese New Year was a blast! I had quite a lot of fun! However, I found out I have motion sickness if I ride the car the whole day... >.< (Had to rest... Cannot play...) Haha! So many things had happened... (Not that I can remember them...)First off, I no longer friends with Jerome... I'm washing my hands off him... (That idiotic jackass!!!) Next, I'm best of friends with Francine again! She's the bestest buddy any one could have! How could I be so blinded by others to see this?! She different, unique... Maybe that's why not many people like her... But it's because of that which is why I think she is very special. (A rare gem...) I was trying to make Crystal happy, so much so that I forgot my other friends... (The ones that need me the most...) T-T I'm such a horrible person... *sigh* Better late than never... We had our cross-country at East Coast Park last Friday... It was quite short... but Francine was forever at my side! =^^= THANKS FRANCINE!!!It so happened 3 of my friends' birthdays all fall on Feb... I'm dying just buying gifts for them... (Or at least... My wallet is dying...) Michelle's on the 10th, Crystal's on the 15th and Timothy's on the 21th... As much as I enjoy shopping for useless crap, that is a bit too much... Serious... I do shop for crap! Such as bookmarks that are never used, badges that gathers dust in my house, keychains that serve no purpose, and other things I impulsively buy for the fun of it... ^^" Anyway, I found out that everyday of this week is just tests, tests and more tests... (Can die u know! Don't the sch knows how to relax or even have fun?!) It was quite a headache... Crap... Haven't study yet... Gonna die tommorrow...Today's Valentine's Day... aka... Day of my horrid Speech... I have to present a stupid speech on Valentine's Day in front of the whole school! How unlucky can I get?! Still... It went quite well... (I was pale as a sheet and trembling like some vibrator... But it's ok I guess...) Today also got tuition... Very sian... Ok...Now I'm speaking Singlish... Wonderful... *sarcastic* My wushu has improved tremendously! I am learning quite fast and am enjoying every second of it! The beauty... The elegance... The power... THE SWORD IS SOOOOOOOO COOL!!!! I'M GOING CRAZY OVER IT!!! But I need to train to be able to hold it without trembling... Heh heh heh... This year is gonna be a great year for me! (Excluding the Os of course...)